#GenZ : I hope the environment doesn’t collapse in the next few years
#Millenials : I hope democracy doesn’t collapse in the next few years
#GenX : I hope Social Security doesn’t collapse in the next few years
#Boomers : I wish trans people didn’t exist
(Sorry Boomers. It’s a joke. Go play some golf or something.)
#boomers #genx #millenials #genz
I had been under the impression that "social security would collapse", but I don't think I ever thought through that there's a trust but that also the program is funded through current payrolls, which is most of the funding.
#socialsecurity #labor #futureofwork #retirement #millenials #boomer #genZ #genX
#genx #genz #boomer #millenials #retirement #futureofwork #labor #socialsecurity
Estoy releyendo Los Hijos de Húrin, que hace mucho que me lo había leído. Tengo nuevas perspectivas, muy raras. ¿No os parece que #Turin es como el típico chungo de instituto? Así seco y frío, pronto para la ira, que siempre acaba en todas las movidas y luego tiene que acabar viniendo su amigo Beleg a calmar los ánimos. La verdad es que siempre había visto a Turin como víctima de su maldición, pero la verdad es que un poco quinqui si que es... Pero digo más, los #millenials como yo recordarán la marca esa de canis en rollo Dj'sBand, imaginadle con una gorra con un dragon de ese estilo bordado... No puedo dejarlo, de verdad #elturin #elturambar #elchungodenargothrond #loshijosdehurin #tolkien
#turin #millenials #elturin #elturambar #elchungodenargothrond #loshijosdehurin #tolkien
also immer wenn ich einer dieser #genz oder #millenials in anzüge sehe - muss ich lachen und will denen am liebsten einen kecks kaufen....
Ist noch witzig wenn ich auf #reddit die Texte von den #GenZ und fucking #Millenials lese - dann ist's zu 99% so "ich bin nicht deiner Meinung als Block ich dich"🤣🤣 haben diese hosenscheisser nie gelernt mit anderer Meinung umzugehen?
Forget the year definitions... #GenX grew up on Sesame Street, #Millenials grew up on Nickelodeon/Disney Channel, #Zoomers grew up on phones and tablets.
Millenial budgeting, avocados are necessities
#avocados #economics #GenZ #millenials #news #satire
Recent surveys have upended the previous notions of what are necessary items for millenials. Ever wondered why high streets are filling up with vape shops, barbers and charity shops? It's milleniomics baby.
For years boomer commentators and politicians have been criticising millenial and GenZer spending habits.
#Avocados #economics #genz #millenials #News #satire
Nearly half of crypto copy traders are Gen Z, says Bitget report - Younger investors are more likely to take part in copy trading or... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/gen-z-crypto-social-trading-bitget-report #cryptoinvesting #cryptotrading #socialtrading #socialmedia #millenials #bitget #tiktok #reddit #genz
#genz #reddit #tiktok #bitget #millenials #socialmedia #socialtrading #cryptotrading #cryptoinvesting
Ich frage mich, wie groß die Scham der #Millenials einst sein wird, wenn ihre Nachfahren sie ggfs. einmal fragen, wie sie auf die multiplen #Schwindel- und Ablenkungsszenarien von CO2-Fußabdruck bis Veganernährung reinfallen konnten, und statt wissenschaftlich akkurat die historische Dimension ihrer Lage zu recherchieren, das leicht verdauliche #Diskurs-Surrogat von Youtubern, Podcastern und Influencern gelöffelt haben.
#millenials #schwindel #diskurs
In today's "Shaking my head at #GenZ" it's the turn of the #Vinyl #CD
Of note: "As well as looking like vinyls" -- Apparently we have a new name for records - Which to be fair isn't too bad.
Also some of the #comments are nuts.
#millenials #Music #80s #Audio #review #YouTube #comments #cd #vinyl #genz
I see a whole lot of truth in this! #generations #genz #millenials #generationx #boomers #psychology #zeitgeist #sociology #philosophy #psychoanalysis
#generations #genz #millenials #generationx #boomers #psychology #zeitgeist #sociology #philosophy #psychoanalysis
Be worried...
"Almost half of millennials think misgendering a transgender person should be a CRIMINAL offense, new survey finds"
#millenials a neo "lost generetion"?
A day for feelings sinister,
beep beep goes the cash register.
Bullshit in high fidelity,
millennial life indefinitely.
#WritersOfMastodon #PoetsOfMastodon #BerlinPoetry #PoetsSociety #Writing #Poem #Poetry #PoetryCommunity #Millenials #Poets
#writersofmastodon #poetsofmastodon #berlinpoetry #poetssociety #writing #poem #Poetry #poetrycommunity #millenials #poets
And just 7-8 years later i listen to silly #Millenials talking the same shit about #GenerationX
It never fucking stops!
My autistic grandfather dutifully cared for his wife (the grandmother I never got to meet) at the end of her fight with breast cancer.
Grandma Mary really wanted marijuana joints to cope with her pain, but the doctors only permitted her to use morphine (this was in the late 1970's). She couldn't administer it to herself so my grandfather injected it into her veins for her.
He told me this story one summer day when I was over at his apartment with my father. I was 10 years old at that time .
What prompted the story was grandpa Bill giving us a tour of his tackle box. I saw a syringe next to the rubber worms, and I asked what it was for. He explained that the fake worms injected with air made them seem life like to the fish, they'd wriggle about in the water, and were more likely to get a bite.
Then, he paused and told the story of that needle, and what it was originally for. After grandma Mary died, he kept all those remnant from that time, and everything seemed to have a repurpose . I watched him grimace as he took the morphine syringe in his hand and he angrily snapped it in two, and threw it away.
That was the first time I ever seen the gentle man look angry, actually, full of rage.
Only now, as I lay here in the hospital bed, after having a dose of Dilaudid, as the burning hot pain relief sears through my veins and breaks open my weary heart. I feel my grandmother, and I didn't have to meet her, to begin to feel her pain.
I feel grandpa's pain too. Repurposing the hurtful memories, the tools we are are actually given , when what we needed was something totally different. The autistic tendency to survive and "make due" with rampant unfairness.
#memories #pain #chronicIllness #cancer #autism #GoldenGeneration #millenials #thoughts #family #FamilyHistory
#memories #pain #ChronicIllness #cancer #autism #goldengeneration #millenials #thoughts #family #FamilyHistory
I introduced some friends to each other and two of them are talking about feeling old because younger people don't get their references, while the other one and I... also don't get their references
we've concluded that the secret to not feeling old is already being so disconnected from popular culture that you are equally confused by it at all points of your life
#popculture #memes #millenials
Und das kann "man" bedauern, ausnutzen oder ignorieren.
"Man" kann sich auch nach dem neuen Normal verhalten.
Ich kenne viele #Millenials, die es nicht nötig haben in "den Westen" zu gehen.
Der Job kommt zu ihnen...
Ich bin bis 2015 noch gependelt.
I feel like the number of young people here increased lately, so I'll do this poll again.
Which generation are you from (assuming there are no Gen Alphas here; if you are one, comment)?
Feel free to boost for wider reach.
#Mastodon #MastoPoll #Poll #Generations #GenZ #GenY #GenX #Millenials #GenZers #BabyBoomers #Boomers #Age #AgeGroup #Fediverse
#mastodon #mastopoll #poll #generations #genz #geny #genx #millenials #GenZers #babyboomers #boomers #age #AgeGroup #fediverse