Firyar :infinity_rainbow: · @Firyar
319 followers · 885 posts · Server

Not quite as big as the Colosseum we build in the last days, but way cuter 😍 They will live at my new office at work and help me to keep my spirits high 🐿🐿 Look at their tiny white tail!

Btw in Germany they are know as Chip & Chap - Ritter des Rechts (Knights of Justice) and everyone of my friends can sing the intro song on spot πŸ˜„

#Lego #millenialthings

Last updated 2 years ago

Andrew · @thisandyguy
108 followers · 77 posts · Server

In this day and age why do I still have to write checks and why are there places that still don’t do online pay? Millennials do not carry check books. I have to search my house for the thing and dust it off the one time a year I write one.

#millenials #millenialthings #mood

Last updated 2 years ago