“This is how it should be done: lodge yourself on a stratum, experiment with the opportunities it offers, find an advantageous place on it, find potential movements of deterritorialization, possible lines of flight, experience them, produce flow conjunctions here and there, try out continuums of intensities segment by segment, have a small plot of new land at all times”
#deleuze #guattari #milleplateaux #inspiration #dissertationwriting
Marco Simioni & Mattia Saviolo - Stone of Foreseeing Events [Mille Plateaux]
#Ambient #Noise #DarkAmbient #MinimalisticAmbient #Atmospheric #Eerie #ElectronicMusic #Music #MarcoSimioni #MattiaSaviolo #StoneofForeseesingEvents #MillePlateaux #ZeitgeistAmbientMusic
#ambient #noise #darkambient #minimalisticambient #atmospheric #eerie #electronicmusic #music #marcosimioni #mattiasaviolo #stoneofforeseesingevents #milleplateaux #zeitgeistambientmusic
Today, a Finnish publisher focusing on social sciences and philosophy, #Tutkijaliitto, celebrated the 50th anniversary of #DeleuzeGuattari's #AntiŒdipe / #AntiOedipus by re-publishing the old Finnish translation.
AŒ bores me, so it's not my jubilee.
I prefer #MillePlateaux / #AThousandPlateaus and its interpretation of #Go as a form of "pure stratégie" and "guerre sans ligne de combat". If I were to tutor game designers, I'd make them read this. Un jeu est fait de vitesses très différentes!
#tutkijaliitto #deleuzeguattari #antiœdipe #antioedipus #milleplateaux #athousandplateaus #go
Today, a Finnish publisher focusing on social sciences and philosophy, #Tutkijaliitto, celebrated the 50th anniversary of #DeleuzeGuattari's #AntiŒdipe / #AntiOedipus by re-publishing the old Finnish translation.
AŒ is bores me, so it's not my jubilee.
I prefer #MillePlateaux / #AThousandPlateaus and its interpretation of #Go as a form of "pure stratégie" and "guerre sans ligne de combat". If I were to tutor game designers, I'd make them read this. Un jeu est fait de vitesses très différentes!
#tutkijaliitto #deleuzeguattari #antiœdipe #antioedipus #milleplateaux #athousandplateaus #go