#MillerKnoll President and CEO Andi Owen, issues a non-apology:
“I feel terrible that my rallying cry seemed insensitive.”
Let me fix that for you:
“I apologize for my insensitive rallying cry. I will be a more empathetic human being. As a token of my appreciation of all the hardworking employees, I will use the $3.9 million I received in other compensation, including a bonus, during the 2022 fiscal year to fund a bonus for all the employees of MillerKnoll.”
#MillerKnoll CEO, Andi Owen gave this BS apology for her tirade telling her employees to "Leave pitty city." It feels so insincere. If she is really sorry she would redistribute her $1.2 million bonus to her employees. These CEOs wonder why we all hate them. It's baffling how selfish they are.
And along those lines, has anyone asked this cow if she's interested in space "flight?" https://www.buzzfeed.com/ajanibazile/millerknoll-ceo-dragged-online #BFR #ModernDayGuillotine #SpaceX #MillerKnoll
#millerknoll #SpaceX #moderndayguillotine #bfr
Take me down to the Pity City
Where the CEO makes green and the employees are empty
(Take me home) Oh, won't you please take me home?
Take me down to the Pity City
Where the CEO makes green and the employees are empty
(Take me home) Oh, won't you please take me home?
MillerKnolls and Roses
After initially saying she would “not be dissuaded by a 90-second clip taken out of context," the CEO of MillerKnoll told staff Tuesday that she now understands that her wording “seemed insensitive."
#PityCity #millerknoll #hermanmiller #officefurniture #badbosses
#pitycity #millerknoll #hermanmiller #officefurniture #badbosses
#MillerKnoll CEO sparks viral outrage after telling staff to "leave Pity City"
#Motherboard : Don’t Live in ‘Pity City,’ Office Chair Magnate Tells Employees Who Want Money https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/g5ygdj/dont-live-in-pity-city-office-chair-magnate-tells-employees-who-want-money #officefurniture #hermanmiller #officechairs #millerknoll #chairs
#motherboard #officefurniture #hermanmiller #officechairs #millerknoll #chairs
MillerKnoll says a video of CEO Andi Owen telling employees to stop "thinking about what you’re going to do if you don’t get a bonus" was taken "out of context."
#chairs #hermanmiller #millerknoll #officechairs #officefurniture
#chairs #hermanmiller #millerknoll #officechairs #officefurniture