Trumps mug shot... as a new addition to the world's most interesting coffee mugs collection. ☕️🔍 #milliondollaridea
@SirNameless How about a vacuum pad that you lower behind your fridge, hook it to a vacuum hose and it sucks the dust from the coils into the pad. No need to pull the fridge all the way out.
Those pneumatic tubes they used to use for sending messages around in large buildings but just for sending hotdogs instead. #MillionDollarIdea
Why don’t they make sponges out of meat? That way you could mop up sauce or dressing and then eat it. #MillionDollarIdea
Restaurants have free bread for you while you wait. Why don't doctors or airports? #MillionDollarIdea
#MillionDollarIdea for new toothpaste flavours:
- Newsprint
- Raisin Bran
- Old Spice
- Twine
- Pennies
- Roast beef
- Tempered glass
- Kindness
Eating utensils made out of beef jerky. Less cleanup, more yum! #MillionDollarIdea
#MillionDollarIdea "Very" Hot Air Balloons. 50% faster and 300% more dangerous than lame old regular old hot air balloons.
Restaurant chain like Subway but for ice cream sandwiches instead of sandwich sandwiches. #MillionDollarIdea
Product collab. "Shredded Wheat Thins." #MillionDollarIdea
(It's just a box of crumbs.)
Million-dollar idea: Dryer sheets on a roll. And then you feed it into your dryer like receipt paper in a cash register and the machine auto feeds it every time. #innovation #millionDollarIdea #fundThisNow #amazing
#innovation #milliondollaridea #fundthisnow #amazing
Those gumball machine things for feeding ducks, but everywhere for people instead and filled with cereal. #MillionDollarIdea