One thing I find interesting about the sort of... historiography, if you will, of defense journalism, is that #hypersonics were THE threat, the BIG HUGE pacing threat, until basically the exact point that the Air Force's ARRW passed a major testing milestone, and then it pretty rapidly transitioned to "hypersonics are overrated". I dunno, maybe its just confirmation bias from me thinking about it. #milstodon
just so you all know, when #miltwitter comes over, we're calling it #milstodon
OK BEFORE #MILTWITTER moves over here, I want to stake a claim to calling it #Milstodon
Könnte mir #MILstodon als Hashtag vorstellen.
Hört sich allerdings auch wie ein Medikament an, welches von TrÄrzt:innen verschrieben werden würde.