I released DTail version v4.1.1 - Not much new besides of updating the depdendencies, though. Go to dtail.dev -)
#dtail #opensource #golang #mimecast #logmanagement #devops #tool
#dtail #opensource #golang #mimecast #logmanagement #devops #tool
Would anyone know if Mimecast works for on prem Exchange servers? I am working on enumerating a domain and have found a Microsoft TXT record, but can't find much outside of the MX being tied to Mimecast.
What I am trying to confirm now is if Mimecast would be sitting in front of Exchange in the cloud or if it can even support on prem.
Any input would be extremely helpful. Thanks!
#security #dns #mx #email #mimecast #phishing #enumeration
#AxisOfEasy 179: Coalition Of Cancelholics Sues Apple To Deplatform Telegram
##AxisOfEasy #EthereumNameService #IPFS #Mimecast #Parler #Rumble #Solarleaks #SolarWinds #Ubiquiti
#ubiquiti #solarwinds #solarleaks #rumble #parler #mimecast #ipfs #ethereumnameservice #axisofeasy