#TIL about #MimeticDesire, which clearly plays a role in this as well. The idea here is that "we desire what others desire because we imitate their desires".
I've a book on #mimeticdesire ordered I want to read and I'm left wondering whether the above filters what is and is not desired - where #instantgratification is observed it is fertile ground mimetic desire to occur, but where #delayedgratification occurs it is not.
If the resulting asymmetry of behavioural spread rates for delayed benefits and harms lead to asymmetrical outcomes then it may offer an explanation for why developed countries have incredible #inequality and resulting social harms.
#mimeticdesire #instantgratification #delayedgratification #inequality
What‘s the most mimetic institution of all? It’s the stockmarket: You desire stock not because it is objectively desirable - you desire stock exclusively because other people desire it. #mimeticdesire