COMO FAZER O GRANDE PROJETO – TERRARIA – MIMOSINHA #ComoFazerOGrandeProjeto #FerramentasTerraria #ItensTerraria #MelhorItemDeMecanismosDoTerraria #Mimosa #Mimosinha #OGrandeProjetoTerraria #Terraria #Terraria1.4 #Terraria1.4.4 #TerrariaDicasETruques #TerrariaGrandeProjeto #TerrariaJourney'sEnd #TerrariaMecanísmos #TerrariaVideos
#comofazerograndeprojeto #ferramentasterraria #itensterraria #melhoritemdemecanismosdoterraria #mimosa #mimosinha #ograndeprojetoterraria #terraria #terraria1 #terrariadicasetruques #terrariagrandeprojeto #terrariajourney #terrariamecanismos #terrariavideos
After seeing so few pollinators in the spring, I've been relieved to see the bees turn out for the mimosa trees.
#BloomScrolling #Bees #Flowers #FlowerPhotography #SilkTree #Mimosa
#bloomscrolling #bees #flowers #flowerphotography #silktree #mimosa
Sunday morning mimosas on the beach. Perfection. #SolaceInNature #mimosa #beach #birding #ChurchInNature #creationstruck #PartialToPink
#solaceinnature #mimosa #beach #birding #churchinnature #creationstruck #partialtopink
Hi Everyone - update time.
Thank you for all your overwhelming and wonderous support, I cannot possibly express my appreciation and gratitude.
Mum died while I was flying north. My sisters were with her at the time, along with her granddaughters and great-grandchild. While I was en route to Gosford hospital - THANK YOU Tracey Lloyd - music was played, singing along happened, there was time with Jane.
Everyone left me alone for a bit with mum when I arrived, and I am absolutely ok with not being present when her last breath happened. I am, too, glad that I had that time alone with her. I have a couple of theories about mum's peaceful, and rapid, death:
1) the doctors urgently needed her to produce urine to help clear toxicity - and she was famously stubborn and contrary. (Actually true!)
2) she was not going to hang around for me to make another joke about "Shady Pines ma, Shady Pines", and/or "How about a light pillow over your face Janey??!", and/or "Watch it or I'll put you to bed with a shovel mum..." (Actually pure speculation, but still)
Gorgeous friend Justine took me in for the night in the city thanks to Natural Chauffeur Tracey driving me into the city centre. Then this morning Justine bought me a Jane memorial galette and mimosa to toast mum with, because this was our celebration drink for years.
#sorrow #grief #friends #GoodFriends #love #death #mimosa #EndOfLife #DeathOfAParent
#sorrow #grief #friends #goodfriends #love #death #mimosa #endoflife #deathofaparent
Vandaag 10 jaar geleden #aghiosnikolaos #mimosa Vrijdag 12-04-2013 Om half zeven de wekker. De zon is nét op, het belooft een warme dag te worden. Wind is er niet. Om half acht zitten we in de huurauto om Fons naar het vliegveld in Heraklion te brengen. Hij ziet ernaar uit om weer thuis te zijn, hoewel hij het erg naar zin had bij ons. We spreken af dat hij de volgende keer - het kan wel een jaar of twee duren - zijn vrouw mee zal nemen. In de vertrekhal drinken..
Just finished reading Mimosa by Archie Bongiovanni (graphic novel).
It's very reminiscent of Dykes To Watch Out For by Alison Bechdel, while still at the same time being its own fresh/original/independent thing.
"Best friends and chosen family Chris [a nonbinary person]; Elise; Jo [a trans woman]; and Alex [a trans man] work hard to keep themselves afloat. Their regular brunches hold them together even as the rest of their lives threaten to fall apart. In an effort to avoid being the oldest gays at the party, the crew decides to put on a new queer event called Grind–specifically for homos in their dirty thirties.
Grind is a welcome distraction from their real problems: after a messy divorce, Chris adjusts to being a single parent while struggling to reconnect to their queer community. Elise is caught between feelings for her boss and the career of her dreams. Jo tries to navigate the murky boundaries of being a supportive friend and taking care of her own needs. And Alex is guarding a secret that might change his friendships forever.
While navigating exes at work, physical and mental exhaustion, and drinking way, way too much on weekdays, this chosen family proves that being messy doesn’t always go away with age."
#lgbt #lgbtcomics #archiebongiovanni #bongiovanni #mimosa #queercomics
#ミモザ #mimosa #mimosatree #花曜日 #街角のお花 #街角の彩り #旬の花 #四季の花 #四季の彩 #四季花 #黄色 #黄色い花 #春 #新春 #spring #white #whiteflowers #flowers #flowerphotography #naturephotography
My family wished me a “happy cancerversary”. They had noticed yesterday marked the twelve-year anniversary since my surgery. The funny thing is the day had come and gone, and I hadn’t even noticed for the first time in these years.Time is certainly one of the great healers indeed. I am grateful that cancer is far enough in my past and very happy to see my mimosa flowers again this year. The vibrant golden flower is a lovely reminder that I’m still alive. :) #cancer #cancerversary #mimosa
#cancer #cancerversary #mimosa
#tokyocameraclub #東京カメラ部 #ミモザ通り #ミモザがいっぱい #mimosa
Mimosa? Is there a larger version called a momosa that doesn’t need refills?
#mimosa #momosa #grande #randomthoughts #deepthoughts
Mimosa? Is there a larger version called a momosa that doesn’t need refills?
#mimosa #momosa #grande #randomthoughts #deepthoughts
#mimosa #momosa #grande #randomthoughts #deepthoughts
There was a mimosa tree that day in New York City, March 8, 1911, when 123 women died in the Triangle factory fire…because women's lives were worth less. #women #internationalwomenday #mimosa #photography #myphoto
#women #internationalwomenday #mimosa #photography #MyPhoto
La Torta Mimosa si veste di rosso: la variante all’amarena per la Festa della Donna Ricetta qui 👉👉👇
#recipe #8marzo #FestaDellaDonna #mimosa #food #foodlover
#festadelladonna #iwd2023 #womensday #womanpower #mimosa #instabeauty #donne #parcodegliacquedotti #parcodegliacquedottiroma #visitrome #visitlazio #roma #rome #lagrandebellezza #romanity #cloudyday #w…
#internationalwomensday #FestaDellaDonna #iwd2023 #womensday #womanpower #mimosa #instabeauty #donne #parcodegliacquedotti #parcodegliacquedottiroma #visitrome #visitlazio #roma #rome #lagrandebellezza #romanity #cloudyday #w
📅Today is #InternationalWomensDay!
💐The flower associated to this day is the #mimosa, which was chosen because it symbolizes strength and sensitivity ♀️.
Don't forget to show your appreciation to your female friends and relatives by giving them a mimosa on this special day!
#InternationalWomensDay #mimosa