Hayden Thorne · @haydenthorne
133 followers · 273 posts · Server sunny.garden

This pay period's been a freaky trip into the darkest bowels of the otherworld at the day job. I survived, though, which is something, but the attached image to this toot is pretty much how I viewed my workplace for two straight weeks. I really should attempt something for the hashtag to center myself, but I just barely managed to drag myself through the front door and can't cough up a good thing other than plain survival on the work front.

Oh. No, wait -- books! BOOKS!

Did a last minute scramble for more books through Smashwords' "Read an E-Book Week" sale. My e-reader's burping its contentment, and I got a total haul of ten books (all novels) for just under $15. I can't remember how many times a year Smashwords does this, but it's always a treat digging around for new authors to try out (and a few "veterans").

Okay, that's one good thing, which is better than nothing, yanno. And hello, weekend. I wuv you.

#3goodthings #dayjob #minasmorgul #ebooks #smashwords #ebooksale #friday

Last updated 2 years ago

Elle Nerdinger M.A. · @forschungstorte
707 followers · 1005 posts · Server mastodon.xyz

Looking for a last-minute gift for the Nazgûl in your life? I have just the thing for you:

Morgul Moments wellness products!

#fanart #lordoftherings #tolkien #productmockup #fictionalproduct #wellness #designerhavingfun #minasmorgul #ringwraiths #nazgul

Last updated 2 years ago