Dr. Mrs. the Pilla · @scattapilla
377 followers · 4685 posts · Server jorts.horse

I did it!! I finished With A Daughters Eye and learned the secret I had been wondering - that in fact Cathy Bateson was an uncredited full author of Mind and Nature as she was the one typing up and editing the secrets of the universe that Gregory was rambling away at her while his cancer was briefly in remission. Idk whether to go back thru it for quotations now or to start on A Rap on Race

#withadaughterseye #cathybateson #gregorybateson #pillastorytime #mindandnature

Last updated 1 year ago

Dr. Mrs. the Pilla · @scattapilla
207 followers · 2427 posts · Server jorts.horse

time to plant a flag since a hashtag search for turns up exactly one result

if youre looking to talk about and how their ideas echo through society today hit me the fuck up

#gregorybateson #mindandnature #angelsfear #withadaughterseye #blackberrywinter #margaretmead #marycatherinebateson

Last updated 2 years ago