Since Wendy Mitchell, member of York Minds & Voices (dementia peer support group I work with) was diagnosed with early onset dementia, she has...
- Written three books about living with dementia
- Paraglided, parachuted, high-wire walked, wing-walked to raise funds for dementia support and research
- Gained two honorary doctorates
And has just been given an OBE.
So proud!
#dementia #AssistedDying #WendyMitchell #MindsAndVoices #Alzheimers
#dementia #assisteddying #wendymitchell #mindsandvoices #alzheimers
'I Want To Speak Please'
Quilted banner, approx 4.5 x 1.5 metres.
Made for York Minds&Voices dementia support group.
All the quotes are from group members.
Each member chose their favourite colour and fabric. From these I cut the outlines of their raised hands.
They have so much to say, and deserve to be heard.
I miss my time with these amazing people.
#MindsAndVoices #dementia #DementiaAwareness #Quilt #Quilting #Banner #York #Memory #Philosophy #NotContagious #Quilted #LivedExperience
#mindsandvoices #dementia #dementiaawareness #quilt #quilting #banner #york #memory #philosophy #notcontagious #quilted #LivedExperience
'Our Own Coordinates - Poems About Dementia' was launched on Friday with readings from many of the poets involved.
It was an emotional, beautiful, brave and loving thing to witness.
The whole event can be viewed as and when you wish, here:
#dementia #DementiaAwareness #OurOwnCoordinates #Poetry #PoetryCommunity #PoetryReading #MindsAndVoices #Memory #PoetryLaunch #DementiaCarer #Empathy #Poems #Carer
#dementia #dementiaawareness #ourowncoordinates #poetry #poetrycommunity #poetryreading #mindsandvoices #memory #poetrylaunch #dementiacarer #empathy #poems #carer
Launch Event!!! Free!!!
This Friday (17th March) at 19.00 GMT (20.00 CET).
'Our Own Coordinates; Poems About Dementia' will be launched with readings from many of the poets.
I will be reading, nervously I imagine, so any support would be very welcome.
I hope to see you there. Book your free ticket here:
#dementia #DementiaAwareness #OurOwnCoordinates #Poetry #PoetryCommunity #MindsAndVoices #Memory #FreeEvent #PoetryLaunch #Nervous #ImposterSyndrome #Poems
#dementia #dementiaawareness #ourowncoordinates #poetry #poetrycommunity #mindsandvoices #memory #freeevent #poetrylaunch #nervous #impostersyndrome #poems
This video (10 mins) shows what a typical meeting of Minds and Voices is like.
It was made as part of the 10th anniversary celebrations for the DEEP (Dementia Engagement and Empowerment Project) Network.
I'm very proud that they chose to include the banner I made for them in the video.
#dementia #MindsAndVoices #LivedExperience #York #DEEPNetwork
#dementia #mindsandvoices #LivedExperience #york #deepnetwork
Minds and Voices are a peer support group for people living with dementia in York.
I've learnt from them, trying to share their wisdom via art, for almost five years.
Every meeting is full of smiles, love, empathy and the truth of their lives.
Before I left for Porto, I made them a quilted banner (5 x 1.5 metres).
The words and the hands are all theirs.
It's called 'I Want To Speak Please'
#dementia #quilt #ArtQuilt #MindsAndVoices #PeerSupport #banner #York #Porto #IWantToSpeakPlease
#dementia #quilt #artquilt #mindsandvoices #peersupport #banner #york #porto #iwanttospeakplease