Press conference on 2022 Myanmar/Burma with Burmese translation
On 21 December 2022 a hybrid press conference was held for the Burmese press aton the Thai-Burma border
Since the Feburary 2021 coup in Myanmar, the military created State Administration Council systematically withdrew
#Casualties #MineBan #Reports #antipersonnelmines #Burma/Myanmar #landmines #minevictims #Myanmar/Burma
#casualties #mineban #Reports #antipersonnelmines #burma #landmines #minevictims #myanmar
Press conference on 2022 Myanmar/Burma with Burmese translation
On 21 December 2022 a hybrid press conference was held for the Burmese press aton the Thai-Burma border
Since the Feburary 2021 coup in Myanmar, the military created State Administration Council systematically withdrew
#Casualties #MineBan #Reports #antipersonnelmines #Burma/Myanmar #landmines #minevictims #Myanmar/Burma
#casualties #mineban #Reports #antipersonnelmines #burma #landmines #minevictims #myanmar
Panel on Mine Ban @ 25 and Myanmar – Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand
Taking up the challenge: banning landmines globally and in Myanmar was organized on the 25th Anniversary of the awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize to the International Campaign to Ban Landmines and the 25th Anniversary of the 1997 Ottawa Con
#MineBan #antipersonnelmines #landmines #mines #Myanmar/Burma
#mineban #antipersonnelmines #landmines #mines #myanmar