24. Geburtstag!
Am 1.3.1999 trat die „Ottawa-Konvention“ in Kraft. Sie verbietet Einsatz, Lagerung, Herstellung, Weitergabe von #Antipersonenminen. 164 Staaten haben den völkerrechtlichen Vertrag ratifiziert.
Wichtiger Baustein für den #Frieden! #OttawaConvention #MineBanTreaty
#antipersonenminen #frieden #ottawaconvention #minebantreaty
AP has worked on this article almost a month since we released our country report on the impact of #landmines on #Myanmar #Burma It is a good reportage with some excellent quotes. #minefreeworld #minebantreaty #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
#landmines #myanmar #burma #minefreeworld #minebantreaty #WhatshappeninginMyanmar
25 years ago, the @ICRC was at the forefront of the campaign that led to the #MineBanTreaty’s adoption.
✅It is a true success story.
✅It protects current & future generations from death and injury caused by #landmines.
#20MSP 🧵1/4
#minebantreaty #landmines #20msp