A huge deposit of rare earth elements has been discovered in North Dakota. The minerals, which are vital for many technologies, are found in a 30-foot-thick layer of rocks in the Williston Basin. The discovery could reduce the US dependence on foreign sources, especially China, which dominates the global supply.
#RareEarth #WillistonBasin #MineralResources
#rareearth #willistonbasin #mineralresources
This is great reporting. Yes there’s hope and promising vision for a sustainable future. But it ain’t giving free license to mining corporations and corrupt politicians to do whatever they want to plunder and decimate what remains of our environment that sustains us with impunity just because ‘we need critical minerals’ and any caution or questioning of mining is ‘hypocrisy.’ #criticalminerals #mineralresources https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2023/04/07/Rising-Chorus-Renewable-Energy-Skeptics/
#mineralresources #CriticalMinerals
Sweden discovers largest rare earth deposit in Europe. https://www.inkl.com/news/sweden-discovers-largest-rare-earth-deposit-in-europe/RxQBjBukVrL #nature #MineralResources
The limits to growth: Why the West will struggle to find enough metals to supply simultaneous demand drivers https://t.co/cIab8HKiZz
#mineralresources #energytransition
#mineralresources #energytransition #globalchange
Phasing out coal means we can no longer rely on synthetic gypsum, a by-product of coal-fired power plants! A group of researchers now urge the EU to act to close this gap, by investing in research to make phosphogypsum available as an alternative https://bit.ly/3D3smU2
#mineralresources #phosphogupsum #circulareconomy
#circulareconomy #phosphogupsum #mineralresources