The European Network · @TheEuropeanNetwork
2689 followers · 2108 posts · Server

In Ukraine with the minesweepers: 'At times, it took me four days to clear 150 metres, there was no other option'.

The counteroffensive launched by Kyiv's forces in June was made particularly dangerous given the extent to which Russian defensive positions were mined. Mine-clearing teams operate step by step, at night, in small units.

#landmines #mines #WARINUKRAINE #Ukraine

Last updated 1 year ago

ZhiZhu · @ZhiZhu
1698 followers · 13127 posts · Server

@GregSadler @fulelo

"In a painstakingly slow process that has come to define the speed of the Ukrainian , small groups of sappers on the front lines are crawling across minefields — sometimes literally on their stomachs — to detonate Russia’s defenses and clear a path for troops to advance.

...Areas between 3-10 miles deep... have been densely mined with antitank and antipersonnel and trip wires."
👀 Thread:

#counteroffensive #mines #ukraine #RussiaUkraineWar #News

Last updated 1 year ago

Mark · @paka
166 followers · 4535 posts · Server

Ukraine has breached Russia’s first line of defense near Zaporizhzhia

This accomplishment comes after weeks of meticulous mine clearance operations. Tarnavsky expressed confidence that their progress would accelerate as they advance towards the ***less fortified second defensive line***

#ukraine #StandWithUkraine #defense #landmines #mines #counteroffensive #frontline #Zaporizhzhia #RussiaInvadedUkraine

Last updated 1 year ago

The Animal and the Machine · @taatm
88 followers · 3196 posts · Server

I think there is every chance can be de-mined in 10 years. Current projections ignore market forces.

Ironically, the very large number of works to the favour of industry, which likes to operate on scale. Europe, the economic powerhouse is going to pump hundreds of millions into demining, American military might even setup an X-prize 🏆 as it’s a weakness in their military strategy (current plans to go around them). Being shot at is the hardest part of demining, so post war it might be easier.

It will probably end up being something really simple like a new materially super-hard vibrating tractor 🚜 that simply plows the fields. Thermal pictures to identify mined areas already shows that technology has moved on.

#mines #ukraine

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1349 followers · 17780 posts · Server

Arrested at

By Brenda Norrell, Censored News, August 16, 2023

"Three forest protectors were arrested on Tuesday protecting the old-growth forests west of Victoria, as Canada continues to target with police operatives protecting the interest of destructive industries. The police ops are 's C-IRG, the Community Response Group.

"Mourning the invasion of the squad who arrested the , who were his guests, Elder Bill Jones said, 'We are at the end times of our great forests.'

"Abolish C-IRG said, 'Due to the increasing amount of -led anti-resource extraction movements in British Columbia, the Community-Industry Response Group was born. C-IRG is unique to British Columbia. They are militarized, have no budget limit, and the officers get paid handsomely to force , , , and through unceded , without consent. This is just another extension of the ’s original task- to remove and separate people from the land and enforce . They do not keep us safe, they protect ."

Background: Back to Fairy Creek

"The last time the world was watching Fairy Creek, we witnessed the largest act of in . Well over 1,000 Indigenous and non-Indigenous forest defenders were arrested by the RCMP over months of tense standoffs in 2021 as sought to halt the logging of rare .

"The courts hammered that movement, with charges and bail conditions keeping many away, and the tussle in the trees went dormant for most of the last two years.

"Until now.

"A new blockade, led by and supported by non-Indigenous allies, has just been erected on a key bridge crossing an arterial logging road. The RCMP's specialized tactical team that responds to land defence actions is present and surveilling the camp. A raid could come any day, and having on the ground is of crucial importance to keep tabs on police and document the latest developments as land defenders seek to protect their unceded territories from old-growth logging."

Full article and more information:

#forestprotectors #FairyCreek #nativepeople #britishcolumbia #industry #militarizedPolice #forestdefenders #Pacheedaht #firstnation #indigenous #Pipelines #mines #dams #logging #indigenousterritories #rcmp #ColonialRule #capital #civildisobedience #canadianhistory #activists #AncientTrees #indigenousyouth #media #vancouverisland #acab #protecttheforests #cirg #colonialism #capitalism #corporatism #oligarchy

Last updated 1 year ago

Laurent Espitallier · @frenchhope
570 followers · 12872 posts · Server
Norobiik · @Norobiik
461 followers · 7150 posts · Server

" invaded in February 2022, and have since then been laid in the by the combatants. Romanian, Bulgarian and Turkish military diving teams have been defusing those that have drifted into their waters.

The sea is crucial for shipments of , and and is shared by , , and , as well as Ukraine and ."

Romania deploys ship, chopper to find stray Black Sea mines

#UkraineWar #turkey #georgia #romania #bulgaria #oilproducts #oil #grain #Blacksea #mines #ukraine #Russia

Last updated 1 year ago

Oden · @Gjallarhornet
1037 followers · 8838 posts · Server
Feq Buermoy · @buermoy
121 followers · 2058 posts · Server

Romanian Navy has dispatched a ship and a helicopter to search for mines in its own Black Sea waters. The military is responding to an incident in seaside resort of , where a pier was slightly damaged in an .

Investigations are still ongoing. Since the beginning of countless have probably ended up in the . is a member of the EU and NATO and shares a 650-kilometer border with .

#Ukraine #romania #blacksea #mines #UkraineRussiaWar #Explosion #costinești

Last updated 1 year ago

Benoit Blanco from the Bronx🗿 · @feijoa
299 followers · 4500 posts · Server

This article on the challenge facing Ukrainian sappers is eye-opening. Worthwhile read.

#ukraine #mines

Last updated 1 year ago

Kriszta Satori · @fulelo
5671 followers · 5516 posts · Server

Residents of the city of have been taking advantage of the relaxation of restrictions to enjoy several public beaches -- despite the threat of and attacks targeting facilities. Beaches have been officially opened for recreation for the first time since 's Swimming is still not permitted during air raid alerts.

#ukrainian #Odesa #russian #mines #drone #port #russia #invasion #BBCWorldService

Last updated 1 year ago

InformactionsMC · @MarieClaudeS
302 followers · 10183 posts · Server

Collectif d’organisations de solidarité internationale et de mobilisation citoyenne CRID)
Une délégation du peuple Yukpa (Colombie) dénonce l’extractivisme dans leur territoire

#mines #charbon #sante #colombie

Last updated 1 year ago

OccuWorld · @OccuWorld
160 followers · 207 posts · Server

Infrared cameras reveal more than 100 gas leaks across fossil fuel sites in Australia

Infrared videos show gas leaking or being vented from more than 100 places across 35 fossil fuel sites in Queensland and New South Wales, according to an investigation by environmental organisations. The Australian Conservation Foundation commissioned the US-based Clean Air Task Force, a global nonprofit, to use new technology to monitor if methane was leaking from coalmines and gas facilities owned by energy giants Santos and Origin and pipeline company Jemena. The organisations said the videos were recorded over a four-week period in which they visited 80 sites to take a snapshot of Australia’s fossil fuel infrastructure. Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas with more than 80 times the global heating impact of CO2 over a 20 year period when released into the atmosphere.

Currently the government rejects this evidence and is taking no action.

#climatecrisis #mines #polluting #venting #gas #methane #release #evidence #investigation #australia #fossil #fuel

Last updated 1 year ago

InformactionsMC · @MarieClaudeS
295 followers · 9904 posts · Server

seabed mining
Déclaration d’experts des océans appelant à un moratoire sur l’exploitation minière en eaux profondes

#oceans #fondsmarins #mines

Last updated 1 year ago

Political IQ · @PoliticalIQ
196 followers · 1668 posts · Server
Black Flag Medical · @blackflagmedical
145 followers · 230 posts · Server

@Free_Press Every village needs their own trained medical team for dealing with blast injuries. Those teams need to be provisioned with the necessary supplies and they need to teach everyone else the basics of stopping life threatening bleeding.

This book was written in the context of different conflicts, but sets out the necessary framework:

Save Lives Save Limbs:

#ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #medical #MedMastodon #mines #trauma

Last updated 1 year ago

ZhiZhu · @ZhiZhu
1594 followers · 10754 posts · Server

"In a painstakingly slow process that has come to define the speed of the Ukrainian , small groups of sappers on the front lines are crawling across minefields — sometimes literally on their stomachs — to detonate Russia’s defenses and clear a path for troops to advance.

...Areas between 3-10 miles deep... have been densely mined with antitank and antipersonnel and trip wires."

#counteroffensive #mines #ukraine #russia #war #RussiaUkraineWar #News #worldnews

Last updated 1 year ago

« Nous pensons que pour 5 matériaux clés, il pourrait être nécessaire d'ouvrir jusqu'à 250 nouvelles mines au cours de la prochaine décennie afin de répondre à la demande croissante liée à la et à d'autres secteurs »
la transition énergétique a bon dos
car en fait c'est l'ultra-connectivité et les nouvelles technologies, l'iPhone 27 et les chaussettes connectées, qui ont besoin de ces et des petits enfants qui creusent dedans

#transitionenergetique #mines #environnement

Last updated 1 year ago

EURACTIV Global Europe · @euractiv_global
373 followers · 1577 posts · Server
ZhiZhu · @ZhiZhu
1585 followers · 10637 posts · Server

@lyda @w7voa


"In a painstakingly slow process that has come to define the speed of the Ukrainian , small groups of sappers on the front lines are crawling across minefields — sometimes literally on their stomachs — to detonate Russia’s defenses and clear a path for troops to advance.

...Areas between 3-10 miles deep... have been densely mined with antitank and antipersonnel "

#counteroffensive #mines #ukraine #russia #war #RussiaUkraineWar #News

Last updated 1 year ago