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orc captain conversion

Terminé: Ragùtz le Gaucher, capitaine gobelin de la Moria - Journal d'un pousseur de figurines

#orktober #minis #minesofmoria

Last updated 2 years ago

Recycled polystyrene packaging covered in papier mâché, painted in acrylics.
Works fine as a well, or here in , with for scale. (GW # minis)

#tabletopterrain #dungeonscenery #balinstomb #minesofmoria #orcs #lotr

Last updated 2 years ago

The is done.
I said stop while I was already treating it like a mini, taking too much time reworking highlights and shadows on every detail...

#tabletopterrain #DwarvenGreatHorn #minesofmoria #gimli

Last updated 3 years ago

with , style.
's assignment: "Suffer HP down to 1, Open one locked door, Reveal Dungeon Exit." Found a Rusty Key in a chest, 2 gems to bargain with, and the Magic Shield. Enough to accomplish the mission.

#standarddeckdungeon #minis #minesofmoria #gimli #tabletopgaming #sologaming #lotr

Last updated 5 years ago

Wooden Warriors: Barrage 2019 Games - Two Lord of the Rings Affairs!

#minesofmoria #balrog

Last updated 5 years ago

: new monsters: 2 plastic "Throttle Worms" , repaint on new bases. Pic with a for scale, as they will appear in my .

#moria #dungeon #mageknight #minis #gamesworkshop #lotr #gimli #minesofmoria

Last updated 6 years ago

For , spider for my version of the various monsters found in the , with .
The big one is a Deathjump Spider, the others are cheap Halloween "glow in the dark spiders".
4 of them were painted as Ice Spiders for Frostgrave but never saw a game.
More pics:

#miniaturemonday #minis #minesofmoria #gamesworkshop #lotr #hobbits #dndminiatures

Last updated 6 years ago

A Journey in the Dark part2, .
First room, it's the Big Bad and lots of spiders.
Hard times for the .
And that will be all for tonight as room 3/3 is filled with 8 more horrors...

#minesofmoria #2hdungeoncrawl #fellowshipofthering #lotr #minis #diceblog

Last updated 6 years ago

For , two "Tanglewood spirits" as agressive undeground animated matter (or "auam" for short. I just made that up. That's not a dwarvish or elvish name but I think I'll keep it).
They will be found in my version of the .
They are quite big as can be seen in the pic with , but probably not so tough.
We'll see...

#miniaturemonday #mageknight #minis #minesofmoria #gamesworkshop #lotr #boromir

Last updated 6 years ago

#lotr #minesofmoria

Last updated 6 years ago

(re)#PaintingMinis: from Wood to sorta stone creature to add to my monster pool. Originally "old" . Just some grey drybrushing.

#golem #minesofmoria #mageknight #minis #miniaturepainting

Last updated 6 years ago

"Use what you have" said the Voice of Reason to the tabletop gamer. "Yeah... Maybe not today." responded he.
So... I bought 3 sets of from , because I wanted something a little more for my through the :
• Abandoned Dwarven Hold Rooms
• Abandoned Dwarven Hold Corridors
• Abandoned Dwarven Mine Chambers
The art is great.
Abandoned Dwarven Hold & Mines | Heroic Maps:

#battlemaps #heroicmaps #dwarven #dungeoncrawl #minesofmoria #fantasymaps #minis #dwarf #tabletopgaming

Last updated 6 years ago

... This plastic waited almost 14 years since it was put together with glue & Milliput.
Now it is based with mate varnish and two coats of warm grey.
And I honestly have no idea when I'll get the chance to get back to it ("it's complicated").

Previous step (november 2005): "En progrès: l'assemblage du troll"

#miniaturepainting #minesofmoria #cavetroll #gamesworkshop #lotr #moria #minis #paintingminis

Last updated 6 years ago

Damn' ! Almost...
(in french we pronounce it [miTril] anyway, but still write it "Mithril")

#minesofmoria #scrabble

Last updated 6 years ago

Drums in the Dark part1 cont.
The Fellowship made it safely to a room south of the main road. Gandalf had a hard time casting spells to block the doors (using Warrior Heroes Armies & Adventures rules) but suffered no magical backlash.
A few hours of sleep (and dice rolls) got everybody back to his original Rep. Merry & Pippin even improved to Rep 4!
Gimli got himself an impressive "Battle Axe of Virtue". It happens that I even have the right mini for him.

#minesofmoria #lotr #moria #minis

Last updated 6 years ago

A Journey in the Dark, first . I decided for a low Encounter Rating in these western sections. The greeting by two groups of orcs close to the guardroom, where the was planning to halt, means that a change of plan is needed.

#minesofmoria #2hdungeoncrawl #fellowshipofthering #lotr #minis #diceblog

Last updated 6 years ago

I'm again!
Well... one mini actually: the white hobbit, last unpainted mini of the Fellowship.

I bought the box in 2005 and I still have to paint the cave troll and to build and paint the scenery.
Boromir was the last mini from the set I painted. That was in 2010...

Finishing all this is definitely on my "Things to do before I die" but I'm not in a hurry.

as usual...

#paintingminis #samwisegamegee #gamesworkshop #lotr #minesofmoria #miniaturepainting

Last updated 6 years ago