Well, the code does work. Got Minesweeper working. Now to refactor this to work for any sized grid.
Here's a #Minesweeper position that reveals a lot about the use of probability in the game. Much deeper than I'd imagined.
🕹️ Title: Eagle Mode - emMines
🦊️ What's: A libre Zoomable UI (ZUI) centered on its innovative zoomable file manager, including utilities & games - among which a 3D minesweeper
🏡️ https://eaglemode.sourceforge.net/
🐣️ https://sourceforge.net/projects/eaglemode/
🔖 #LinuxGaming #ShareYourGames #Minesweeper
📦️ #Libre #Bin #Arch #RPM #Deb
📖 Our entry: http://www.lebottindesjeuxlinux.tuxfamily.org/en/online/lights-on/
🥁️ Update: 0.95➜0.96.1
⚗️ New features 💎
📌️ Changes: https://eaglemode.sourceforge.net/ChangeLog.html
🐘 From: 📶️ https://sourceforge.net/p/eaglemode/news/feed.rss
🦉️ https://www.youtube.com/embed/G6yPQKt3mBA
🦉️ https://www.youtube.com/embed/_QOdAtRam04
#LinuxGaming #shareyourgames #minesweeper #libre #bin #Arch #rpm #deb
I needed an offline game and i downloaded #minesweeper and it has a trainer mode, a series of puzzles that can allegedly be solved fully with logic. I clicked for a hint and i got this. I don't see its logic. Why do those blue/yellow squares mean the green one has to be safe?
I heard he was halfway through a 100x100 game of #Minesweeper. Also he installed #Doom2 but didn't play it.
Simon Tatham’s Puzzle Collection
This is Slant. I could tell you so much about Slant, but I think a lot of the fun of these puzzles is figuring out a good process for solving them yourself.
I got a treat for you people today, a genuine treasure of the internet,
#indies #niche #dominosa #free #galaxies #indie #internet #loopy #minesweeper #mobile #niche #opensource #putty #puzzle #simontatham #slant #software #sudoku #web
#web #sudoku #software #slant #simontatham #puzzle #putty #opensource #mobile #minesweeper #loopy #internet #indie #galaxies #free #dominosa #niche #indies
📬 EmuOS: Mit Windows 95, 98 & ME im Browser Retro-Spiele zocken
#Gaming #Diablo #Doom #Emulator #EmuOS #Minesweeper #Pacman #Pong #Quake #RetroSpiele #Tetris #Windows95 #Windows98 #WindowsME https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/gaming/emuos-mit-windows-95-98-me-im-browser-retro-spiele-zocken-273283.html
#windowsme #windows98 #windows95 #tetris #retrospiele #quake #pong #pacman #minesweeper #emuos #emulator #doom #diablo #gaming
#ICYMI @ania_kubow joined the #vscode livestream to demo how to code #minesweeper using the recursion algorithm and it was super fun! Check it out 🎥 https://youtube.com/live/uH1tMf2CKPw
@ReynaldAdolphe https://t.co/J1RdAVw2dU
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/code/status/1644750204468359168
Minesweeper XYZ #minesweeper #YouTube #YouTubeClip #TikTok #Gaming
#Gaming #TikTok #youtubeclip #YouTube #minesweeper
⏳ We're live in 10 minutes with #YouTube Influencer @ania_kubow! Ania will demo the #recursion algorithm using #minesweeper. Join us and bring your questions to the chat! 🎬 https://youtube.com/live/uH1tMf2CKPw
@ReynaldAdolphe https://t.co/9PPjjF8Znh
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/code/status/1643989447346892800
#youtube #recursion #minesweeper
📢 We're excited to welcome @ania_kubow to the livestream! Ania is going to demo how the recursion algorithm is used in coding using #minesweeper. Add to calendar 📅 and join us this Thursday ▶ https://aka.ms/code-livestream-page
8 am Seattle / 11 am New York / 4 pm London https://t.co/UP0ZNNCVRL
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/code/status/1643010743519023104
📢 On this week's livestream we welcome @ania_kubow. Ania will demo the #recursion algorithim using #minesweeper 🕹️ Mark your calendar 📆 and join us https://aka.ms/code-livestream-page 8 am Seattle / 11 am New York / 4 pm London https://t.co/A6gULElqhh
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/code/status/1642595506969821188
Ebay-Kleinanzeigen hat für mich mittlerweile eher was von #Minesweeper als von einer privaten #Handelsplattform .
Aber es ist gut um seinen inneren #Sensor zu schulen.
Da hatte ich eine Frage zu einem Artikel gestellt und bei der ersten Antwort gemerkt, dass da was nicht stimmt - kam nun auch schon eine Mail von Kleinanzeigen, dass der Kontakt gesperrt worden ist da vermutlich das Konto gehackt wurde.
Aber Kleinanzeigen ist ja dran Schuld - zwingt doch endlich zu 2FA und sicheren PWs
#sensor #handelsplattform #minesweeper
Ritenete i #PayWall fastidiosi? E i #SignupWall? 🥲
Sul #sitoctt non ho niente di quella roba... Ma ho di peggio! 😈
Per leggere cosa c'è scritto nella sezione #curiosità della mia pagina dedicata a #Minesweeper (#CampoMinato), bisogna prima vincere una partita. 🤷♀️
Vabbe, ci sono metodi per aggirare il requisito... O si disattiva JS, oppure si trova l'easter egg. Ma vale la pena di provare a fare una partita. Anche perché le caselle premute sono semitrasparenti. 👀
#paywall #signupwall #sitoctt #Curiosita #minesweeper #campominato
I don't know who needs to see this, but there is a #minesweeper MMO of sorts. Infinite minesweeper that is multiplayer online. Keeps me busy during long meetings.
#minesweeper #gaming #millenial
Dopo che ho perso per mesi l'ossessione del #Minaspazzante, a riprenderlo la settimana scorsa mi sono ritrovata piuttosto arrugginita, ~7 minuti per ripulire una tavola 24x24/99... Mi sa che lentamente sto recuperando, e ora per un bel colpo di fortuna ho finito una partita in 03:35! 😄
Non ricordo bene quanto facevo mesi fa, mi pare sui ~03:00.
#Minesweeper #CampoMinato #PratoFiorito #Gaming #Puzzle
P.S: l'implementazione del gioco che uso su #Android è #Antimine: https://f-droid.org/packages/dev.lucanlm.antimine/
#minaspazzante #minesweeper #campominato #pratofiorito #gaming #puzzle #android #antimine
Dopo che ho perso per mesi l'ossessione del #Minaspazzante, a riprenderlo la settimana scorsa mi sono ritrovata piuttosto arrugginita, ~7 minuti per ripulire una tavola 24x24/99... Mi sa che lentamente sto recuperando, e ora per un bel colpo di fortuna ho finito una partita in 03:35! 😄
Non ricordo bene quanto facevo mesi fa, mi pare sui ~03:00.
#Minesweeper #CampoMinato #PratoFiorito
P.S: l'implementazione del gioco che uso su #Android è #Antimine: https://f-droid.org/packages/dev.lucanlm.antimine/
#minaspazzante #minesweeper #campominato #pratofiorito #android #antimine
Sweeper, new FastBasic #Atari8bit computers game for Basic 10Liner Contest 2023. Video: https://youtu.be/jNPvXfOOwJ4 Download: https://www.vitoco.cl/atari/10liner/SWEEPER/ #atari #retrogaming #basic #minesweeper
#atari8bit #atari #retrogaming #basic #minesweeper
"Please confirm you're human"
"I'm blocking your annoying shitty JS"
"NO! Please waste your time by clicking on shit like a __real__ human" (#minesweeper #sharepoint)