Are you 19 to 35? want to #mingle with like minded folks?
Come join us for a #Meet & #Greet on 7/17 at 7 PM
#RSVP at
#kink #kinky #freaky #bondage #BDSM #adult #Leather #rope #FemDom #Columbus #Ohio #ColumbusOH #cbus #event #events #FetLife #millennials #GenZ
#mingle #meet #greet #rsvp #kink #kinky #freaky #bondage #bdsm #adult #leather #rope #femdom #columbus #ohio #columbusoh #cbus #event #events #fetlife #millennials #genz
Old #Winter kissed the #Blushing #Maid,
To #Old & #Young, he held his hand;
“Who loves me in this guise, he said,
Need #Fear no winter in the #Land;
On them, I'll ask my #Daughter #Spring
Her choicest #Blooms & balms to pour,
The #Summer on their #Path shall #Sing,
& #Autumn #Bless them w/ its store.
So be ye #Happy on the #Earth,
Whatever your #Name or station be,
#Mingle w/ your #Christmas #Mirth
& bounteous Christmas #Charity."
- Charles Mackay, #Scottish #Poet, #Happy Winter, Verse Three
#winter #blushing #maid #old #young #fear #land #daughter #spring #blooms #summer #path #sing #autumn #bless #happy #earth #name #mingle #christmas #mirth #charity #Scottish #poet