Hi! Time for an #introduction. I've been on Mastodon for a few years, but recently have started creating accounts on specific instances for my differing interests.
Jazz moves me like no other musical style. At various times I've been into #Mingus, #YusefLateef, #RahsaanRolandKirk. These days my main buzz is #SpiritualJazz old and new.
I've been enjoying rebuilding a record collection again in the last year or two, since buying my last LP in 1989. #Bandcamp is my main source of new music.
#introduction #mingus #yuseflateef #rahsaanrolandkirk #spiritualjazz #bandcamp
Minor Key . Net Playlist 6/25/23
#CharlesMingus (x3) #Dalal (#JoepBeving, x2) #RobynHitchcock #DukeEllington #EhnesQuartet (#JamesEhnes) #ChiaroscuroQuartet #QuatuorArod #PatriciaKopatchinskaja
#newmusic (#Mingus, #Ellington)
#jazz #jazzmusic #classicalmusic #Schubert #FranzSchubert #piano #violin #quartet #StringQuartet #indiemusic #MastoMusic
#charlesmingus #dalal #joepbeving #robynhitchcock #dukeellington #ehnesquartet #jamesehnes #chiaroscuroquartet #quatuorarod #patriciakopatchinskaja #nowplaying #nowlistening #newmusic #mingus #ellington #jazz #jazzmusic #classicalmusic #schubert #franzschubert #piano #violin #quartet #stringquartet #indiemusic #mastomusic
Returned home after a week away & I’m #NowListening to #CharlesMingus Presents Charles Mingus.
This is a new addition to my collection & has everything you’d expect from #Mingus: the cacophonous swell of horns, irresistible swing, with more than a dash of quirk.
This is a repress by #Candid & it took me three attempts to get a flat, clean copy. But it’s cut by #BernieGrundman & sounds great with plenty of dynamics - it was worth persevering.
#nowlistening #charlesmingus #mingus #candid #berniegrundman #nowplaying #vinyl #vinylrecords #jazz #music
A brief break from LDR & #NowListening to #TijuanaMoods by #CharlesMingus.
Again, I’m an utter #Mingus nut & this is up there with his very best: Dizzy Moods, Los Mariachis - just incredible stuff.
This is the reissue by #SpeakersCorner - a label for which I generally have a lot of time. However, unfortunately, I’m on my third copy & there is noticeable non-fill across Side B. Which is a shame - it otherwise sounds rich, dynamic, & full: as it should.
#nowlistening #tijuanamoods #charlesmingus #mingus #speakerscorner #nowplaying #vinylrecords #vinyl #jazz
Any #Mingus fans here? Found a rare original of his brilliant 1961 Candid Records LP. The rarer Stereo mix was reissued last #recordstoreday but this is Mono. The #vinyl is well loved but still sounds great. The cover is near perfect; I'll never find another copy this clean...
#mingus #recordstoreday #vinyl
#NowListening to #MingusAtAntibes by #CharlesMingus. My favourite #jazz artists, ranked in order, are likely #Miles, #Mingus, #BillEvans, #LeeMorgan, & #Coltrane. & this is one of my favourite albums by Mingus.
Recorded live, it doesn’t really sound like anything else of that time. Explosive, & yet disciplined; melodic & yet cacophonous: if, in 1960, there was such a thing as jazz-punk, then this is it.
This reissue by #SpeakersCorner is impeccable.
#nowlistening #mingusatantibes #charlesmingus #jazz #miles #mingus #billevans #leemorgan #coltrane #speakerscorner #nowplaying #vinyl #vinylrecords #music
One of the songs that Verlaine chose to play as guest DJ was "Hog Callin' Blues" by Charles Mingus, which. . . .wow! https://youtu.be/donDOIiuWc0
#Mingus #Jazz
Artist of the week over here on jazztodon.com: Charles Mingus. What are some of your favorite Mingus records or stories?
There's a new Mastodon instance for jazz fans and musicians. You're welcome to join our friendly group if you're looking to migrate or set up a second membership.
Artist of the week: Charles Mingus! Come tell us about your favorite Mingus records.
#jazz #instances #instancerecommendations #mingus #charlesmingus
#jazz #instances #instancerecommendations #mingus #charlesmingus
On this day in 1979, we lost the great jazz bassist, #CharlesMingus due to Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS).
Link from #Mingus website: https://charlesmingus.com/blog/today-we-remember-charles-mingus-who-on-this-day-42-years-ago-died-from-als
The first concert I worked on my freshman year at college was Dutch avant #jazz #bigband, Willem Breuker Kollektief. It blew my mind at the time. I had never heard that kind of extended technique during the solos, nor free improv focused more on humor than rage. Listening back now, it sounds sort of quaint. But it opened my ears to #SunRaArkestra #CarlaBley, #WorldSaxQuartet, #Zorn, #Mingus, #SexMob, #JazzPassengers
#jazz #bigband #sunraarkestra #carlabley #worldsaxquartet #zorn #mingus #sexmob #jazzpassengers
Music!!! My husband, who takes part in the NPR Jazz Critics Poll, has posted his top picks of #2022 - a lot of new exciting improvised music and it was also an exceptionally good year for archival releases (which frankly appeal to me more than the new stuff; yeah I'm an old fogey)
Check it out at
#jazz #RecordReview
#NPRMusicJazzCriticsPoll #ImprovisedMusic #Mingus #FreddieHubbard #MalWaldron #AhmadJamal #ElvinJones #JoeHenderson #AlbertAyler
#jazz #recordreview #nprmusicjazzcriticspoll #improvisedmusic #mingus #freddiehubbard #malwaldron #ahmadjamal #elvinjones #joehenderson #albertayler
The Black Saint And The Sinner Lady
2019 Europe reissue/Blue vinyl
Today felt like a day for Charlie.
Even though these DOL reissues are consistently hit or miss, I found this in a $5 bin (not sure why it was in there), and it actually sounds pretty good.
Nothing better than Mingus and some fine scotch on a Monday night.
#vinyl #vinylrecords #jazz #Mingus #vinylcollection #recordcollection #vinylcommunity
#vinyl #vinylrecords #jazz #mingus #vinylcollection #recordcollection #vinylcommunity
Here's the awesome #ethanIverson post from FB. #jazz #spiritualjazz #mingus #modern #music
#ethanIverson #jazz #spiritualjazz #mingus #modern #music