Have several libraries that are on my list for updating build scripts. It's kind of like #BLFS but cross-platform. Would be curious if anyone else builds their #FLOSS libraries and programs from scratch and if anyone would like to compare notes on doing so. The code I work with seldom compiles out of the box without patches. Would be nice to share steps and patches with others similar to what the BLFS project does. #OpenSource #FOSS #MinGW #C #FreeSoftware
#blfs #floss #opensource #foss #mingw #c #freesoftware
I've seen lists of #PublicDomain, #unlicense or #CC0 #software before but many seem no longer maintained or available. My own list is at: https://lmemsm.dreamwidth.org/10325.html Would appreciate any #C/C++ code recommendations I may have missed. I'm trying to keep the public domain version of the #win32 #w32api created for #MinGW up-to-date and useful. Would love to collaborate with others on it. #OpenSource #FLOSS #FOSS #FreeSoftware
#publicdomain #unlicense #cc0 #software #c #win32 #w32api #mingw #opensource #floss #foss #freesoftware
@rsalz I'd be interested in possibly helping to replace or add another option besides Perl to the build system. That might make the project more appealing to some of the more minimal Linux distributions out there and encourage them to use and contribute to the project. I can also offer to test and debug on Windows with #MinGW if needed.
I uploaded a new version of my #Rust crate for adding a customised XML manifest to Rust Windows programs today, https://crates.io/crates/embed-manifest/1.4.0.
Compared to the previous version, this one adds a way to start from a completely empty manifest, instead of the default one that I wanted for myself, and it makes it work on #MinGW-based build tools.
ffmpeg librtmp libfdk-aac libvpx libmp3lame -libx264 libx265 libopus libvorbis
Probably a long shot, but does anyone have experience with gl3w and docker/mingw? Outside of docker, the gl3w script works as expected and I can compile and get a window with GLFW. Inside docker, I can execute the script without issue but when I compile, I'm getting unknown type name errors. I don't think it's on typical issues of include ordering, because it works as expected on my host.
Smacked head-first into a stupid issue with the #libcurl package deployed by #MinGW / #MSYS / #MinGW64 - turns out that if you copy the DLLs out of the MinGW environment (you know, like if you want to actually *deploy* an application that uses them), libcurl suddenly starts freaking out about "SSL CA cert" problems.
Someone on StackOverflow noticed there's an alternate "mingw-w64-x86_64-curl-winssl" package that doesn't seem to suffer from this issue (which I confirmed). What a damned mess!
#libcurl #mingw #MSYS #MINGW64
Anyone who uses #msys2 #mingw and Windows Media Foundation? What is the right way to include MFMediaEngine? It doesn’t seem to exist in any of the header / include files in Mingw. MFApi.h exists and a bunch of others, is Mingw just selective with what they include from Windows SDK?
For reference:
Getting unix command CAT to work on Windows https://stackoverflow.com/questions/75819509/getting-unix-command-cat-to-work-on-windows #ada #programming #windows #mingw #ada #cat
#ada #programming #windows #mingw #cat
Wine 8.4 packages for Slackware
The Wine developers released version 8.4 last week. There's lots of bugfixes of course, but the announcement also mentions that the work has started on a Wayland graphics driver. Note that in the previous 8.3 release for which I did not create packages, Smart Card support was added, using PCSC-Lite for which I also have a package.
#slackware #software #mingw #windows #wine
Guix has tools to make your program relocatable, that is, let it run in a location unknown at compile time. This is a really cool feature.
However, it has limitations. You can’t use it on windows (provided you could solve the problem with symlinks…), where this is a big issue.
In the mean time, Gnulib provides an easy way that makes your programs *and libraries* relocatable.
#guix #gnulib #mingw #c #development #autotools
Guix has tools to make your program relocatable, that is, let it run in a location unknown at compile time. This is a really cool feature.
However, it has limitations. You can’t use it on windows (provided you could solve the problem with symlinks…), where this is a big issue.
In the mean time, Gnulib provides an easy way that makes your programs *and libraries* relocatable.
#guix #gnulib #mingw #c #development #autotools
are there any IDA flirt sigs for Windows #mingw binaries? I assume none, but question is worth asking!
are there any IDA flirt sigs for Windows #mingw binaries? I assume none, but question is worth asking!
So, for my first real post here, what about a weird bug story? #MinGW #gcc version in Debian Sid we use in #wxwidgets CI builds has changed from 10 to 12 and now all the tests writing TIFF images started failing.
The weird part is that this only happens in _non_ optimized builds. Usually new compiler versions tend to break things at `-O2` or higher, but something changed in gcc 12 codegen at -O0.
To be continued when I actually find what the problem is -- for now let me end on a cliffhanger 😉
I do not understand this bug: https://gitlab.com/qemu-project/qemu/-/issues/1360
#qemu #opensource #wsl2 #mingw #MINGW64 #filesystem
@ygalanter Er, bc is a separate program and not a part of #bash. It’s part of the #POSIX standard that #Linux and #Unix systems (like #macOS) aspire to.
All this is to say it also works fine in #zsh (macOS’s default shell) and even on #Windows with a Unix compatibility later like #Cygwin, #MinGW, or #WSL.
#bash #posix #linux #unix #macos #zsh #windows #cygwin #mingw #wsl
Pretty sure #MSYS #MinGW's 64-bit #libSDL 1.2 packages are also broken, as I get linker errors with libSDL_image.a and libSDL_mixer.a.
Meanwhile, Vcpkg doesn't have a full set of SDL 1.2 packages.
Not sure it's worth building every #OpenXcom dependency from source.
#MSYS #mingw #libSDL #openxcom #xp
#Qt im #VisualStudio erscheint mir nach ersten Tests deutlich flüssiger als im eigenen #QtCreator. Die Umstellung von #MinGW zu #MSVC war auch kein Hexenwerk… Vielleicht sollte man doch mal an der Performance-Schraube drehen beim eigenen Creator, wenn ihn sogar das fremde VS, wahrlich auch kein Performancemonster, outperformt?
#msvc #mingw #qtcreator #visualstudio #qt