A tribute to the resonance of Padmasambhava’s realisation, which is still a vibrant reality for many people today. The voices that tell his story include Tibetan monastics and lay people and accomplished lamas like Mingyur Rinpoche, Lama Tsultrim Allione, Lama Glenn Mullin
#meditation #tibetanbuddhism #GuruRinpoche #TriptychJourney #Padmasambhava #MingyurRinpoche #LamaTsultrimAllione #RobertThurman #LamaGlennMullin #Vajrayana
#meditation #TibetanBuddhism #gururinpoche #triptychjourney #padmasambhava #mingyurrinpoche #lamatsultrimallione #robertthurman #lamaglennmullin #vajrayana
A rare, intimate account of a world-renowned Buddhist monk's near-death experience and the life-changing wisdom he gained from it
Rigpa Brisbane, Unit 2/ 19 Enoggera Terrace, Red Hill
For inquiries brisbane@rigpa.org.au
Book Group meets on the third Tuesday of each month.
#bookgroup #MingyurRinpoche #Tergar
#brisbane #redhill #meditateinbrisbane #westsidenews
#whatsonbrisbane #brissy
@couriermail #couriermail #MyBrisbane @Brisbane
#bookgroup #mingyurrinpoche #tergar #inlovewiththeworld #brisbane #redhill #meditateinbrisbane #westsidenews #whatsonbrisbane #brissy #couriermail #mybrisbane
A tribute to the resonance of Padmasambhava’s realisation, which is still a vibrant reality for many people today. The voices that tell his story include Tibetan monastics and lay people, accomplished lamas like Mingyur Rinpoche and western Buddhist teachers.
#linkinbio #meditation #tibetanbuddhism #GuruRinpoche #TriptychJourney #Padmasambhava #MingyurRinpoche #LamaTsultrimAllione #RobertThurman #LamaGlennMullin #Vajrayana
#linkinbio #meditation #TibetanBuddhism #gururinpoche #triptychjourney #padmasambhava #mingyurrinpoche #lamatsultrimallione #robertthurman #lamaglennmullin #vajrayana
Rigpa #Brisbane
#mingyurrinpoche #tergar #inlovewiththeworld
#brisbane #redhill #meditateinbrisbane #westsidenews
#whatsonbrisbane #brissy
@couriermail #couriermail #MyBrisbane @Brisbane
#bluebirdpublishing #panmacmillan
#brisbane #mingyurrinpoche #tergar #inlovewiththeworld #redhill #meditateinbrisbane #westsidenews #whatsonbrisbane #brissy #couriermail #mybrisbane #bluebirdpublishing #panmacmillan
Emotions: Beyond Good and Bad with Mingyur Rinpoche https://sydney.rigpa.org.au/courses/finding-peace-every-day-22/
Wednesday 8.30am Central European Time 2.30am East Coast USA Tuesday 11.30pm West Coast USA #meditation #mingyurrinpoche #inspo
#meditation #mingyurrinpoche #inspo