I shower regularly as I enjoy feeling fresh, but it can be super difficult actually getting started, and I procrastinate a lot beforehand… or suddenly have the motivation to do all those chores I have been avoiding!
#ShowerTime #SensoryIssue #adhd #miniADHDcoach #AliceGendron
Image from the book by Alice Gendron titled "The mini ADHD coach"
You can find her cartoons here: https://instagram.com/the_mini_adhd_coach
#showertime #SensoryIssue #adhd #miniadhdcoach #alicegendron
Super excited to receive "The mini ADHD coach" book by Alice Gendron on publication day. @the_mini_adhd_coach@instagram
(Completing her ADHD workbook helped me on the path to seeking my diagnosis a few years ago, so I am forever grateful to her for that. The workbook is a fab resource for any questioning folk btw.)
Anyway, it is likely that this may adorn my bookshelf for some time, but I know I will read it at some point, as Alice's style is easygoing and accessible in comparison to other books on ADHD.
Unfortunately, Alice is not in the fediverse so far as I can tell, but I highly recommend her Instagram account where she shares her ADHD themed cartoons: https://instagram.com/the_mini_adhd_coach
#miniadhdcoach #adhdbook #alicegendron #adhd