I punched a stupid hole in the plaster when trying to hang up more paint shelves. Mixed some milliput to fix it, which meant extra milliput, so: motherfucking decorative gourd season!
I'll probably use these in the Halloween village project
#miniaturepainting #miniaturesculpture
Testing to see if I got things right with scale and visual layout for this diorama. My main concern is that the textures of the wall and ground will be too busy visually. Once everything is painted up it shouuuuuuld be fine.
#miniaturepainting #miniaturesculpture #hauntedmansion
I try to batch priming so I spend less time in the basement with the airbrush - once this piece is dry I'll have a nice pile of things to get ready for real paint.
This is the second basing element for the hitchhiking ghosts diorama. Looking at it now I'm hoping that this against a brick wall isn't going to be too busy. Guess we'll find out together!
#miniaturepainting #miniaturesculpture #clay
I couldn't resist making another miniature sculpture. This is even smaller, measuring just 1.4 inches tall. The flower can be removed, and the jug worn on a chain. The jug was made on a mandrel, just like a bead, but closed on one end. The flower was made off-mandrel. All Murano glass. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1436412367/handmade-lampwork-blue-topaz-miniature?click_key=d684d0e48f7e648ef2026874d540092f1272100c%3A1436412367&click_sum=c9633274&ref=shop_home_active_1&frs=1 #glass #beads #glassminiature #miniaturesculpture #hotglass #glassart #glassartist #hotglass #lampworkglass #lampworking #pacificnorthwest #christofmaupin #salemoregon
#salemoregon #christofmaupin #pacificnorthwest #lampworking #lampworkglass #glassartist #glassart #hotglass #miniaturesculpture #glassminiature #beads #glass