Also, spent some free time in 2020 rebuilding my #electronics tinkering skills and ended up down a rabbit hole of fixing #cassette decks (and the odd #minidisc player)!
#minidisc #cassette #electronics
#1963 war ein wichtiges #Datum für mobilen Musikgenuß. Ich konnte nie viel mit #Kompaktkassetten anfangen. Der #Klang ist einfach zu schlecht. Mit dem #Discman kam für mich keine spürbare Besserung. Die Dinger springen zu gerne. Erst mit der #Minidisc war ich einigermaßen #zufrieden. Klanglich deutlich besser als die #MP3Player die es damals gab. Heute geht #Audiophil auch #mobil. Und das sogar SEHR #bezahlbar!
#bezahlbar #mobil #Audiophil #mp3player #zufrieden #minidisc #discman #klang #kompaktkassetten #datum
How to keep #MiniDisc alive:
1) every time an indie artist you even remotely care about releases an album on MiniDisc you need to buy that shit. It needs to go sold out every single time that happens. The only blank MDs still in production are transparent 80-minutes ones from Sony and they usually UV-print the artwork on it. If they’re still bought in quantities needed to make those releases Sony will keep manufacturing them
2) if you’ve got a collection of blank or old disks just make mixtapes and trade them with your friends and talk about it on social media, make it a social thing, make people want in! Not everyone can afford buying discs and second-hand players/recorders but a lot of people have old ones lying around in attics collecting dust! Make them want to use them again
Heading out to the forest for a week, will be unreachable until late next weekend. Bringing all the latest technology with me, as usual :) #minidisc #believeinfilm
This junkyard Rube-Goldberg machine is the best way I have to transfer CDs to #MiniDisc.
It’s a #PS3 wired via optical out to a standard MD recorder, and controlled via a Sega Genesis work-alike controller via usb that I got for free, it’s probably an 8Bitdo. It works for the PS3’s menues and nothing else since the D-pad doesn’t work in games.
I got the PS3 for 100 SEK but of course it had no controllers and no cables. Currently scrounging for a real PS3 controller!
A #Sonic Classic, now in MiniDisc!
Club Needlemouse now comes in a very exclusive limited run of MiniDisc for all the true RoBKTA fans, courtesy of the friends at Firaga Records!
#sonic #sega #sonicthehedgehog #clubneedlemouse #vgm #remix #firagarecords #minidisc #disco #robkta
#sonic #SEGA #sonicthehedgehog #clubneedlemouse #VGM #Remix #firagarecords #minidisc #disco #robkta
And yes, I did spend some time making a mix-MD earlier today. Because of course I did!
Calling on #MiniDisc enthusiasts: if you would like to see my next album South Tower get a MiniDisc release, please consider backing the Kickstarter to make that happen
Calling on #MiniDisc enthusiasts: if you would like to see my next album South Tower get a MiniDisc release, please consider backing the Kickstarter to make that happen
Mi nombre en internet es pukas360.
Soy informático pero no he hecho nada relacionado en años porque trabajo de otra cosa. Me gusta trastear con ordenadores y mi #RaspberryPi donde hago algunas cosillas de #SelfHosting Mis equipos son un iMac y un Thinkpad Debian.
Juego en consolas, la Switch y PS4, aunque me gusta trastear con cosas retro.
También me gusta la música y reproductores #Minidisc, #iPod, #Walkman.
Y veo anime y leo manga ocasionalmente.
#walkman #ipod #minidisc #SelfHosting #RaspberryPi #introduccion
Methu gwrthsefyll prynu rhain mewn siop elusen ddoe.
// proud to announce the release of 'after words' on Noci Miste // limited edition minidisc and cassette // digital //
"a beautifully serene collection of tracks dipping into the many pieces of a vapor infused dream."
#autumna #avtvmna #nocimiste #ambient #electronic #lofi #soundscape #minidisc #cassette
#cassette #minidisc #soundscape #lofi #electronic #ambient #nocimiste #avtvmna #autumna
Scored one Hi-MD device on online auction. Now the hunt for Sony’s official remote ‘RM-MC35ELK’ begins.
Which one of these vintage #MiniDisc portable players has the better retro esthetic in your opinion?
The sleek and stylish MZ-R37, or the chunky but lovable MZ-R3?
I’m getting one of them at some point, but man, I love them both.
…I guess I can’t make it a poll while having images attached, so please reply with your vote!
✨Votes so far ✨
MZ-R37: 3
MZ-R3: 3