1000 Mini sentences! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Uais6lcfFMH8g7_D5p73NxbXR1StJq1brJNnCzsswmY/edit?usp=sharing #minilang
Introductory course on Memrise with basic words and phrases https://app.memrise.com/course/6454426/simply-mini-the-minimal-language/ #minilang
Learn Mini in one page! Yeah, it's that easy #minilang
Also available as PDF https://jprogr.github.io/assets/bin/mini_one_page.pdf
800 Mini sentences! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Uais6lcfFMH8g7_D5p73NxbXR1StJq1brJNnCzsswmY/edit?usp=sharing #minilang
New Anki deck for Mini! Updated, with audio and order optimized as per the Natural semantic metalanguage theory so you learn the most useful stuff first https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/2034803154 #minilang
A translation of episode 11 of Pepper and Carrot to Mini https://jprogr.github.io/pepper-an-carrot-11 #minilang
Spelling and letter names in Mini https://jprogr.github.io/mini-letter-names #MiniLanguage #minilang
Iām still working on the #minilang dictionary. Now it has many features:
- Filter searches by exact words, base words, compounds and other types.
- Search just by Mini ignoring English meanings.
- Mix and match any of those filters.
- Audio! Listen the correct pronunciation.
- Hide everything except for one word. Perfect for sharing.
- Example sentences! See words used in context. Includes translation.
- Too much info on each word? Hide it!
A translation of a 1988 australian newspaper ad about gun laws to Mini https://jprogr.github.io/i-pensa-a-si-nun #minilang
A translation of The ass and the grasshoppers by Aesop to Mini https://jprogr.github.io/tupe-kavalo-an-kirikiti #minilang
Materiales para el idioma Mini https://jprogr.github.io/mini-materiales #minilang