#OTD Sept 11, 1979
Sheffield, England trio Vice Versa release their debut EP, “Vice Versa Music 4”
They’re an experimental electronic group who burst on the scene with this EP, released on their own label, Neutron Records.
In a few months, Vice Versa will be interviewed by Martin Fry for the fanzine Modern Drugs. He’s intrigued by the band and teams up with two of the band members to form a new band called ABC that will have the hits “Poison Arrow” and “The Look of Love” in 1982.
The sound is very minimalist. The synths buzz & drone under random sound effects. A very “post punk” sound kinda like The Normal or Suicide. "Camille" is particularly chilling, a sound collage utilizing samples from a news report on a natural disaster.
#otd #minimalsynth #minimalwave #postpunk #england #70s
Intergalactic Wasabi Mix - Ep 992 - #aNONradio - 2023/07/15
Here's the recording of my #live radio show earlier on aNOnradio 🎶 Please have a listen if you missed it! 🤝
Hope you can tune in again tomorrow at 23:00 UTC!
#anonradio #live #synthpop #minimalwave
#nowplaying #industrial #minimalwave got copies of this one in our shop and was writing about it for our weekly newsletter. cool comp feat. a classic minimal wave name (Das Ding) along other newer artists that are still keeping this specific culture breathing (Beau Wanzer, Florian Kupfer, Maoupa Mazzocchetti, Anna Funk Damage). industrial goodness, sewery atmospheres, dark cold soundscapes for the cassette maniacs. drum machine abuse!
#minimalwave #industrial #nowplaying
Da ich die letzten Tage nicht am neuen Christopher Nolan Film #Oppenheimer vorbeigekommen bin, musste einfach die "New Mexico" von "Oppenheimer Analysis" wieder auf meine Playlist.
Andy Oppenheimer und Martin Lloyd haben in den frühen 80ern den perfekten Soundtrack zum Thema geliefert.
#oppenheimer #minimalwave #electronic #music #80s
I published some new music inspired by the work of Alan Vega and Martin Rev https://atemptatsonor.bandcamp.com/album/tierra-quemada-demo
Intergalactic Wasabi Mix - Ep 980 - #aNONradio - 2023/05/21
#minimal #synthpop #minimalwave #live #internetradio #nowplaying #np
#anonradio #minimal #synthpop #minimalwave #live #internetradio #nowplaying #np
Hi all! If you missed my live aNONradio show earlier, here's the audio recording! 👇 pls check it out! 🎶
Intergalactic Wasabi Mix - Ep 976 - #aNONradio - 2023/04/30
#postpunk #minimalwave #minimal #synthpop #newwave #live #underground #inernetradio #nowplaying #np
#anonradio #postpunk #minimalwave #minimal #synthpop #newwave #live #underground #inernetradio #nowplaying #np
#music #cosmicwave #minimalwave #electronic
MOISTURE - "A Freak Is Born"
#music #leftfieldpop #minimalwave #privatepress
dans notre série "c'est bon ça !"
Die Letzten Ecken - Talisman
#music #berlin #postpunk #ebm #minimalwave
Chciałem tylko przypomnieć, że za kilkanaście minut (o 10:00) w @radiokapital rusza kolejna Stara Fala - z gitarami i synthami sprzed 40 lat. Zapraszam do https://radiokapital.pl od 10:00 do 11:00.
#postpunk #newwave #synthpop #minimalwave @postpunk
#minimalwave #synthpop #newwave #postpunk
Ja tylko tak, że w https://radiokapital.pl właśnie startuje powtórka #33 Starej Fali (#postpunk, #minimalwave) i że zapraszam do posłuchania :)
Tymczasem dowiedziałem się, że we środę o 11 w paśmie Kapitał Selekta w https://radiokapital.pl poleci powtórka 33 odcinka Starej Fali w duchu piwnicznego #postpunk i surowego #minimalwave - zachęcam do wrzucenia sobie na miłe przedpołudnie. @postpunk
Wow this is the first time I actually put on music in what feels like a year or something. How crazy is that?
Chciałem niesmiało dać znać, że we czwartek od 10:00 w Radio Kapitał już po raz 33. poleci moja selekcja postpunków (mniej) i minimal wave (więcej) oraz różnych rzeczy pomiędzy. Serdecznie zapraszam -> https://radiokapital.pl