rhtunstall · @rhtunstall
754 followers · 8724 posts · Server zeroes.ca

Dad got this summer with my cousin and sister because they all just wanted a British family birthday here in for his 80th.

We had been booked to join them up coast but found out two days prior to leaving. We called off the trip with several folks covid sick at the house we were planning to stay.

It was then we discovered no longer refunds for covid cancellations, as to them the pandemic is over. We had to pay to drop our reservation days from our trip, knowing the ferry we had reserved would only be 75% full.

For businesses like , ignoring the pandemic is just an extra cash grab. Book another ferry now, pay us 20 bucks or go get sick. They ultimately profited off our loss.

, , , and are the pack of unrepentant spiders who’ve spun this covid web of deception lulling our population into and .

Profit over kindness is what they’ve successfully preached.

We must vote every one of these anti mask, anti health covid out. We must demand a true independent inquiry of this and their to .

needs to and attempt to restore trust in . British Columbia deserves true health leadership, not more and from a longtime corrupt govt shill.

#covid #bc #bcferries #britishcolumbia #leterrip #newdeathparty #nodataparty #BCNDP #bcmedia #BonnieHenry #adriandix #gbd #complacency #ableism #minimizers #greatbarrington #eugenics #surrender #COVID19BC #firebonniehenry #bchealth #lies #propaganda #BCpoli #corruption #capitalism #CovidIsNotOver #masks4healthcare #masks4all #cdnpoli

Last updated 1 year ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
391 followers · 1813 posts · Server zeroes.ca

Mmmm okay..but riddle me this, can we really call an & how’s about ?🙄

making me question when should be guiding us PLUS unchecked & never-ending but sure,

here’s the thing, DATA IS FROM MAY 2022…🤦🏻‍♀️
even IF it were true (BIG HUGE IF) it’s<than relevant but most will take this as gospel b/c a science journal said so🙄

#xbb116 #xbb115 #omicron #deltacron #minimizers #reality #PrecautionaryPrinciple #mutations #variants #everythingisjustfine #nope #authority #questionauthority

Last updated 2 years ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
362 followers · 1476 posts · Server zeroes.ca

@mel1 @TACTNowinfo based on this dude’s response, it’s beyond willful ignorance; they actually believe this sh*t of “training your immune system”

My patience with is zero so I just block

I can easily see the logic & reasoning it takes to get to is just a cold & once a belief is established, it’s very difficult to change

I don’t mind being wrong, but most people seem to have a very difficult time w/this it seems

#minimizers #sarscov2

Last updated 2 years ago

Kimmymac · @Kimmymac
96 followers · 6578 posts · Server masthead.social

RT @ScienceNotDogma
It'll be fascinating to see how and spin if it spreads to humans, likely using all the same .

"Let 'er rip!" is a suicide plan, not , folks.

Please: and keep taking precautions against ALL .😷 twitter.com/chantz_y/status/16

#viruses #WearAMask #publichealth #talkingpoints #birdflu #h5n1 #minimizers #antivaxxers

Last updated 2 years ago

ChipMcDonald · @chipmcdonald
236 followers · 414 posts · Server lor.sh

I'm just going to throw this out there...

I see that Michael Osterholm has suddenly decided to take a position of is mild.

He's actually suggesting it's "a cold" and looks forward to when everybody gets it twice a year, because it's so mild.

Which is insane. I'd suggest it's also a tell for sociopathy.

Because he knows is real, that there isn't a "mild" infection when it's wrecking your immune system, damaging organs.

Which leads to another point.

I just remembered, long ago in my more "conspiracy" minded days, I went on a tear reading obscure news, science articles from the 1920s-30s, pre WWII.

I initially was interested in seeing for myself the extent of the relationship to the Nazis of the Bush family, but it led me on a tangent into eugenics.

I'm going to make the unsubstantiated claim that:

1) eugenics was an open, and popular topic among science circles at this time and

2) much of the public face of eugenics has been expunged.

Combined with my "funny" theory that make up a much larger portion of the population than we're led to believe, I'm going to suggest that "let it rip" , , and other blatant positions that ignore the impact of on the , , are in fact -

a sociopath group-mind think regarding the "pragmatic" advantages to an era of "natural eugenics".

If this were 1928, I believe the tone these scientists take would be more blatant, and telling. There is no reason not to think that the same attitude among the sociopaths/NPD population isn't occurring now - except they have to be more surreptitious about it.

*These scenarios, these positions, are not "accidents", or "ignorance"*.

When an epidemiologist ignores the health implications of a pandemic, he knows exactly what he's saying. As does a virologist that insist that people don't need to wear a mask, etc. etc.

They're voluntarily participating in lite. To their perspective it's simply logical: only the infirm will be eliminated, and it's harmful to the economy to try to rectify that - and eventually the breed will be stronger.

I wish I didn't think this; but you've got to consider the cognitive dissonance you experience when this cadre of covid says things that are contradictory to what they've previously said.

The sociopath *does not care*. The Narcissist *does not care* if you find them to be lying. It makes no difference to them. That doesn't mean they're not *reasoning*; but reason without empathy and humane consideration leads to eugenics.

I hope I'm being hyperbolic in my jadedness. But I think we need to be more jaded in this respect, and that these people need to be regarded as neo .

/ Frakking frak, I'm just a guitar teacher that wants to get back to just having my head in the clouds about music and art. This is stifling. Maybe I'm being too negative....?

// $.10

#greatbarringtondeclaration #gbd #letitrip #covid #LongCovid #sociopaths #poors #elderly #comorbid #eugenics #minimizers #eugenicists

Last updated 2 years ago

Don't get complacent, folks.⚠️

Yes, fatigue feels like a mountain on our backs as the drags on, but it's also a lever used by and .

It's the same with the : are relentless in their attacks on the of manmade .

Don't let the loud doubts of a few strain your commitment to a , friends.🤔

, call out / and take .

We can do it, together!💚

#ClimateAction #misinformation #Disinformation #WearAMask #betterfuture #ClimateChange #Science #deniers #ClimateCrisis #antivaxxers #minimizers #Pandemic #COVID19

Last updated 2 years ago

Don't get complacent, folks.⚠️

Yes, fatigue feels like a mountain on our backs as the drags on, but it's also a lever used by and .

It's the same with the : are relentless in their attacks on the of manmade .

Don't let the loud doubts of a few strain your commitment to a , friends.🤔

, call out / and take .

We can do it, together!💚

#ClimateAction #misinformation #Disinformation #WearAMask #betterfuture #ClimateChange #Science #deniers #ClimateCrisis #antivaxxers #minimizers #Pandemic #COVID19

Last updated 2 years ago

1am1r (is ea id) · @1am1r
61 followers · 992 posts · Server mstdn.science

RT @LeichtSeltsame
Jede:r achte Deutsche liegt gerade flach mit Husten…Schnupfen..Fieber…bei uns in der WfbM wo nach wie vor Maskenpflicht…Testen…Abstand der Gruppen gilt aktuell genau niemand…aber bezahlt ruhig eure en wenn ihr gern krank seid…wie bleiben lieber gesund

#newnormal #minimizers #idiotenpack #darwinatwork #immunschuld

Last updated 2 years ago

Eric's Risk Assessment · @EricCarroll
1342 followers · 1414 posts · Server zeroes.ca

are easily detected. using a perspective.


1. For every event that could have mass impact, they set the probability to zero, with claimed high confidence
2. Even in the face of disputing evidence to the contrary
3. They ignore the evolution over time of the confidence of disputing evidence
4. They *always* argue against the precautionary principle based on claimed cost/benefit analysis

#covid #minimizers #risk #management

Last updated 2 years ago

TessMMeyer · @TessMMeyer
68 followers · 116 posts · Server mastodon.online

Yep, lost that battle. All the family now positive. I'll focus on my child which I shielded for two years but, before I leave, here's a heartfelt "Fcuk You!!!" to Covid . If we had been allowed none of this would have happened. I blame in-person fanaticism at for this - that academic institutions should choose to ignore ! And yet 2022 here we are.
I hope to pull through.

#reinfection #LongCovid #science #University #homeoffice #minimizers #vulnerable #nursing #covid

Last updated 2 years ago

lara croft · @laracroft
320 followers · 231 posts · Server aus.social

A reminder:
* is airborne.
* immunity did not happen.
* was not mild.
* do get sick.
* does occur in schools.
* Each is not milder.
* No has been an exit wave.
have been wrong about every
single one of those things..🦠

#covid #herd #Omicron #kids #transmission #variant #wave #minimizers

Last updated 2 years ago