#lisp y #gopher show itinerary for tomorrow's episode 0000UTC Wednesday (16 hours away?)
I'll have a look at some projects I just found:
- Talk about @svetlyak40wt 's #ultralisp (maybe I will adopt it)
- Talk about @galdor https://n16f.net/ (every post sounds exciting)
- Gopher.club seems sleepy for the past day, hopefully it will be back tomorrow!
- Dramatic reveal of how many connects gopher://beastie.sdf.org:7991 got this week
- Remember to mention meeting xwindows
- #minimodem messages
#lisp #gopher #ultralisp #minimodem
Decode my #introduction with your 1200 baud #modem
You can use minimodem if your mic your speakers:
minimodem -r 1200
#introduction #modem #minimodem
Decode my #introduction with your 1200 baud #modem
#introduction #modem #minimodem
RT @giammaiot2@twitter.com
Some Baofeng code & Software Defined Radio available
RadioGR_GUI_Baofeng by YD1RUH the use of minimodem for sending radiograms on radio frequencies with GUI Interface for baofeng user
#Baofeng #minimodem #GUI
#Java #Jar
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/giammaiot2/status/1588502154834509828
#softwaredefinedradio #baofeng #minimodem #gui #java #jar
La Goutte d'or, data tape
By @izo on @Bandcamp
#opensource #minimodem #podcast
#podcast #minimodem #opensource
You can still use #minimodem -raq 1200 to decode the last audio stream from this old Thames tv program.
It gaves information about sports result on Tottenham court, someone being arrested, and then it talks about sending only a postcard to some W1P 9LL address on London, and ask about the computer languages.
At the end is says
"D A T A B A S E"
#minimodem #modem #wav #radio #radiofindelmundo
minimodem --rx 45.45 --baudot --stopbits=2.0
#radiofindelmundo #radio #wav #modem #minimodem