Ele Willoughby, PhD · @minouette
816 followers · 938 posts · Server spore.social

A tiny linocut I made a few years ago: the red-legged grasshopper.

One of the most common grasshoppers in NA, these are the most commonly seen grasshoppers in the NE US & S Canada. Reddish-brown on their backs, yellow-green below, they are named for their orangy-red legs. In high-density, these grasshoppers can be considered a garden or agricultural pest who eat grain.


#linocut #printmaking #miniprint #grasshopper #mastoart #redleggedgrasshopper #insect #reliefprint #sciart #printmaker

Last updated 1 year ago

Ele Willoughby, PhD · @minouette
816 followers · 938 posts · Server spore.social

Luckily this is a sparsely populated area of Siberian taiga, but it’s estimated that 80 million trees were flattened.

Fun fact: Asteroid Day was co-founded by astrophysicist/rock musician Dr Brian May of Queen.

#printmaking #sciart #asteroid #space #asteroidday #miniprint #astrophysics

Last updated 1 year ago

Dieci anni di all’Aquila, il connubio perfetto tra arte e la bella città!

L’Aquila – Dieci anni fa la dell’imprenditore Michele Maria Biallo approdava nella città dell’Aquila. Una ricorrenza che l’owner ha voluto celebrare con grande enfasi rivolgendo un tributo sentito alla affascinante città dell’Aquila. Trentadue gli anni complessivi di attività e dopo tanti anni a Castel di Sangro la apriva i battenti in via Tradardi.
L'articolo Dieci anni di all’Aquila, il connubio perfetto tra arte e la bella città! sembra essere il primo su AbruzzoLive.

of in L'Aquila, the perfect combination of art and the beautiful city!

L'Aquila - ago, entrepreneur Michele Maria Biallo's landed in the city of L'Aquila. An anniversary that the owner wanted to celebrate with great emphasis by paying a heartfelt tribute to the fascinating city of L'Aquila. Thirty-two years of activity in total and after so many years in Castel di Sangro, opened its doors in Via Tradardi.
The article of in L'Aquila, the perfect combination of art and the beautiful city! seems to be the first on AbruzzoLive.

19-5-2023 9:37 abruzzolive.it abruzzolive.it/dieci-anni-di-m

#miniprint #tenyears #abruzzolive

Last updated 1 year ago