Wind-powered cargo ship sets sail in a move to make shipping greener | CNN - #Ministryforthefuture becoming real. 👍🏻 @4nd3rs @jenspoder
Erschreckende Karte.
Das Detail, dass ganz Indien in so einer Risiko-Zone liegt, passt 100 % zum Plot des spannenden SciFi-Romans mit dem etwas hölzernen Titel #DasMinisteriumFürDieZukunft
Für alle die sich fragen, wie es wohl in den 2030ern mit der Weltgemeinschaft weitergehen könnte wenn tatsächlich gefährliche #Hitzewellen kommen.
Man sollte allerdings naturwissenschaftlich-technisch-soziologisch-politische Überlegungen mögen.
#dasministeriumfurdiezukunft #hitzewellen #kimstanleyrobinson #ministryforthefuture
With #HurricaneHillary approaching #Mexico and #California .. can't help but think of the chapter in #MinistryForTheFuture where #LA gets hit by an atmospheric river.. excerpt here from the book on #Nautilus website ☹️💦 #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #floods
#hurricanehillary #mexico #california #ministryforthefuture #la #nautilus #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #floods
And then I was reading five #books. Maybe I should finish one of them soon. Before I get the urge to reread #WheelOfTime. Which is likely soon.
And maybe not the one that's part one of a seven part series. #DeathgateCycle #DragonWing
The others: #SlaughterhouseFive, #Quintilianus, a Dutch language philosophy primer and #MinistryForTheFuture.
Anybody can relate?
#books #wheeloftime #deathgatecycle #dragonwing #slaughterhousefive #quintilianus #ministryforthefuture
@sshann oh this sounds just terrible. I am so sorry - people trying to cool off in the pool reminded me of the opening chapter of #MinistryForTheFuture .
I really hope with you that the grid doesn’t break down. And yes, worried about the unhomed too. I read somewhere that there was a rehousing scheme recently, so was hoping numbers are lower now, but not well informed #ClimateDiary
#ministryforthefuture #ClimateDiary
What #Cyberpunk eg #Shadowrun doesn't seem to account for is global warming. I guess Kim Stanley Robinson's #MinistryForTheFuture might inform this but, generally, it was smog and "pollution" that cyberpunk writers expected. Is there cyberpunk literature banking on, eg a totally stripped ozone layer? That might have similar feel to it.
#cyberpunk #shadowrun #ministryforthefuture
"...indeed many of those harmed often vote for politicians who will increase their relative impoverishment. Thus the power of hegemony: we may be poor, but at least we're Patriots!"
The #MinistryForTheFuture, Kim Stanley Robinson.
Excellent summary here of key climate news of the last two days, by @heinz - in German but you can translate of course.
It’s reading them altogether that you get a full grasp of where we are at - i alwyas have those chapter beginnings in #MinistryForTheFuture in mind, those powerful overviews - one of the inspirations for #ClimateDiary in fact.
40°C temperatures in #Siberia and so much more
#ClimateDiary #ministryforthefuture #siberia
Love this. Reminds me of Kim Stanley Robinson's ideas in a few of his novels that sails could again play a part in global shipping, in a slower and more sensible future. (Along with the return of dirigibles in the air.)
#tech #future #MarsTrilogy #MinistryForTheFuture #kimstanleyrobinson #scifi #sailing #climatechange
#tech #future #marstrilogy #ministryforthefuture #kimstanleyrobinson #scifi #sailing #climatechange
@Snoro more and more i realise that most things in #MinistryForTheFuture
are already invented
This is the #future liberals want… #ClimateJustice #ClimateEmergency #Degrowth #Equality #MinistryForTheFuture
#future #climatejustice #climateemergency #degrowth #equality #ministryforthefuture
is this a goodnight story, or a nightmare doomer story? yea i know how the book ends, so supposedly the former.
tbh, i believe this to be fantasy. climate-interested people are caring people, never mind possible traumas. mass murdereds are selfish, easily-led folks who are prone to self-aggrandization and seek validation. they kill bc of ego, not for common good, never mind what movies &myths have told us.
#ministryforthefuture #clifi #scifi #climatecrisis #bookstodon
#ministryforthefuture #clifi #scifi #ClimateCrisis #bookstodon
sähkökirja on Kim Stanley Robinson: Ministry for the Future, jota ilmastopiireissä kai paljon on luettu. Onhan siinä mielenkiintosii näkiksii ja mm just tällä sivulla hyviä muotoiluja.
#aprèsmoiledéluge #clifi #ministryforthefuture
#Derrida taas - eurooppalainen setämiesfilosofia ei oo just nyt mun juttu, enempi on kiinnostanut ja oon lukenu alkuperäiskansoja ja myyttejä, mutta Jacques oli kirjaston hyllyssä, ja aiemmin oon suunnitellu sen lukemista niin otin messiin. #eläimet
#kirjamastodon #apresmoiledeluge #clifi #ministryforthefuture #derrida #elaimet
Another KSR interview on #MinistryForTheFuture , this one via Pitchfork Economics
A lot of #CycloneGabrielle stories coming out of #Aotearoa #NZ could have been chapters in #ClimateChange novel #MinistryForTheFuture 😬
#cyclonegabrielle #aotearoa #nz #climatechange #ministryforthefuture
A lot of #CycloneGabrielle stories coming out of #Aotearoa #NZ could have been chapters in #ClimateChange novel #MinistryForTheFuture 😬
#cyclonegabrielle #aotearoa #nz #climatechange #ministryforthefuture
@decolonialatlas so many missed assassination opportunities. #MinistryForTheFuture
@lightweight I loved #KimStanleyRobinson's #MinistryForTheFuture - it took an optimistic yet pragmatic look at how we could beat the #ClimateCrisis if we work together. Highly recommended reading.
#kimstanleyrobinson #ministryforthefuture #ClimateCrisis
Kim Stanley Robinson has been narrating my own thoughts back to me for years. #MinistryForTheFuture