...and here comes the second session of our #minisymposium on #IndividualBasedModels!
We will talk about #parasites, #CollectiveBehaviour, #sociality, #InvasiveSpecies and a lot more. Today’s speaker line-up: @djhelam1, Valentin Lecheval, @KristyFerraro and Arman Pili.
Live-toots in the 🧵 below!
#ComputationalEcology #EcologicalModelling #TheoreticalEcology #EcoEvo #YoMos
#minisymposium #IndividualBasedModels #parasites #CollectiveBehaviour #sociality #invasivespecies #computationalecology #EcologicalModelling #TheoreticalEcology #ecoevo #yomos
...and here comes the second session of our #minisymposium on #IndividualBasedModels!
We will talk about #parasites, #CollectiveBehaviour, #sociality, #InvasiveSpecies and a lot more. Today’s speaker line-up: @djhelam1, Valentin Lecheval, @KristyFerraro and Arman Pili.
Live-toots in the THREAD below!
#ComputationalEcology #EcologicalModelling #TheoreticalEcology #EcoEvo #YoMos
#minisymposium #IndividualBasedModels #parasites #CollectiveBehaviour #sociality #invasivespecies #computationalecology #EcologicalModelling #TheoreticalEcology #ecoevo #yomos
And off we go! The first session of our #minisymposium on #IndividualBasedModels is going to start in a few minutes! We will talk about #bumblebees, #Malaria, #parasites, #competition, #DecisionMaking, #CollectiveMovement and a lot more.
Today’s speaker line-up: @JordanChetcuti, Paola Carillo-Bustamante, @senay, @VeraVinken and @iplanass.
Live-toots in the 🧵 below!
#ComputationalEcology #EcologicalModelling #TheoreticalEcology #EcoEvo #YoMos
#minisymposium #IndividualBasedModels #bumblebees #malaria #parasites #competition #decisionmaking #collectivemovement #computationalecology #EcologicalModelling #TheoreticalEcology #ecoevo #yomos
And off we go! The first session of our #minisymposium on #IndividualBasedModels is going to start in a few minutes! We will talk about #bumblebees, #Malaria, #parasites, #competition, #DecisionMaking, #CollectiveMovement and a lot more.
Today’s speaker line-up: @JordanChetcuti, Paola Carillo-Bustamante, @senay, @VeraVinken and @iplanass.
Live-toots in the 🧵 below!
#ComputationalEcology #EcologicalModelling #TheoreticalEcology #EcoEvo #YoMos
#minisymposium #IndividualBasedModels #bumblebees #malaria #parasites #competition #decisionmaking #collectivemovement #computationalecology #EcologicalModelling #TheoreticalEcology #ecoevo #yomos
Do you (want to) use #IndividualBasedModels in your research?
We organize a #minisymposium on Dec 14/16, 8:15-10 am German time, as part of my #ComputationalEcology course. Nine international #ERC researchers will talk about why they started modelling and how computer simulations help them to address their research questions.
I will try to live-toot the event, but you are also welcome to join. Just text me for the zoom link! Everyone welcome! 😀
#IndividualBasedModels #minisymposium #computationalecology #erc #TheoreticalEcology #EcologicalModelling
RT @sess_au@twitter.com
@JordanChetcuti@twitter.com is going to talk a little about ALMaSS modelling with a focus on his #BumbleBee (#Bombus) model & the new Formal Model documentation https://doi.org/10.3897/fmj.3.91024 at this #minisymposium on #individualbasedmodelling
Join online to hear more🐝 https://twitter.com/KorinnaAllhoff/status/1600467983687716865
#bumblebee #Bombus #minisymposium #individualbasedmodelling
RT @KorinnaAllhoff@twitter.com
Our #minisymposium on #individualbasedmodelling will take place on Dec 14/16! Speaker line-up: @JordanChetcuti@twitter.com, @pcarrillobustam@twitter.com, @SenayYitbarek@twitter.com, @VeraVinken@twitter.com, @iplanass@twitter.com, @djhelam1@twitter.com, @VLecheval@twitter.com, @kristyferraro@twitter.com, @arman_pili@twitter.com.
Wanna join? More info via DM!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/KorinnaAllhoff/status/1600467983687716865
#minisymposium #individualbasedmodelling
The deadline for PASC23 Expression of Interest for Minisymposia is coming up soon. Don’t forget to submit your contribution. https://pasc23.pasc-conference.org/ #PASC23 #Davos #minisymposium