@primit1v3 I'm using #MiniTube on #Linux for the same reason much of the time.
Sometimes though i do log in and i'm mostly using #LibreWolf as a #browser. This #extension is one i find very helpful.
Also big thanks to @thelinuxEXP for mentioning #Unhook for #YouTube in one of his videos. That's where i first learned about it. Nick rocks, everyone should follow him and watch his videos. :)
#minitube #linux #librewolf #browser #unhook #youtube #extension
@djsumdog #minitube was a thing for me waaaaay before I discovered that I could simply chain #mpv + yt-dl and do it the raw way.
I even wrote a script for it complete with a scraper from site:youtube.com queries taken from some searx instance!
But yeah, minitube was nice (at least back then)
Turns out that the default 10k #youtube api v3 units is ridiculously low. (this used to be 1M units!)
Transferred my youtube subscriptions to #minitube
Not sure yet what this will bring me exactly, but it feels like an accomplishment. ;-)
At least I can stay logged out from youtube now.
@Arwalk another option: http://flavio.tordini.org/musique - haven't used myself yet, but been using #minitube for a few months by now, and am very satisfied so far.