Minktober 2022: mewmink and duskitmink.
Does it count as polyamory when you have this many cocks?
For https://www.furaffinity.net/user/d0gst and https://www.furaffinity.net/user/3jaustin
#mink_art #minktober #mink #furry #hyper #astronomical_hyper #mew #duskit
#duskit #mew #astronomical_hyper #hyper #furry #mink #minktober #mink_art
Content: astronomical hyper, extreme musk and sweat.
Semi-aquatic version.
#mink_art #minktober #mink #opossum #astronomical_hyper #hyper
#hyper #astronomical_hyper #opossum #mink #minktober #mink_art
Minktober 2022: possummink.
He's so happy that there's still a universe left that's not been ground down beneath its constituent particles by his relentlessly expanding enormity. He'll be in soon, the wall's about to shatter!
For https://twitter.com/possmonaught
#mink_art #minktober #mink #opossum #astronomical_hyper #hyper
#hyper #astronomical_hyper #opossum #mink #minktober #mink_art
And of course steamier.
#mink_art #minktober #mink #lizard #astronomical_hyper #hyper
#hyper #astronomical_hyper #lizard #mink #minktober #mink_art
Minktober 2022: frilledlizardmink.
Vincent slightly strains all of ever. He's already totally overfilled it of course, so there's just more of him pushing against the distorting fabric of reality from and in all directions.
For https://www.furaffinity.net/user/timebandit/
#mink_art #minktober #mink #lizard #astronomical_hyper #hyper
#hyper #astronomical_hyper #lizard #mink #minktober #mink_art
Steamy version, of course.
#mink_art #minktober #mink #astronomical_hyper #hyper #charmeleon
#charmeleon #hyper #astronomical_hyper #mink #minktober #mink_art
Minktober 2022: charmeleonmink.
He's still totally dry, that means he doesn't have to put a quarter into the "it's just pre" jar.
For https://twitter.com/CharlesCharmele
#mink_art #minktober #mink #astronomical_hyper #hyper #charmeleon
#charmeleon #hyper #astronomical_hyper #mink #minktober #mink_art
For https://twitter.com/BoopableSnep
#mink_art #minktober #mink #furry #hyper #astronomical_hyper #snow_leopard
#snow_leopard #astronomical_hyper #hyper #furry #mink #minktober #mink_art
Minktober 2022: snepmink.
Double-barreling through cosmic constructs, a slight dribble of precum overflowing quivering multiversal bounds.
For https://twitter.com/BoopableSnep
#mink_art #minktober #mink #furry #hyper #astronomical_hyper #snow_leopard
#snow_leopard #astronomical_hyper #hyper #furry #mink #minktober #mink_art
Also separate steamy images.
#mink_art #minktober #mink #furry #astronomical_hyper #hyper #phoenix
#phoenix #hyper #astronomical_hyper #furry #mink #minktober #mink_art
Steamy version, for much more accurate minkness.
#mink_art #minktober #mink #furry #astronomical_hyper #hyper #phoenix
#phoenix #hyper #astronomical_hyper #furry #mink #minktober #mink_art
Content: astronomical hyper, multi.
Individual images for easier viewing.
Still for https://twitter.com/PhenBird
#mink_art #minktober #mink #furry #astronomical_hyper #hyper #phoenix
#phoenix #hyper #astronomical_hyper #furry #mink #minktober #mink_art
Minktober 2022: phoenixmink.
https://twitter.com/PhenBird are an exinfinite multitude of birds burying all creation in the depths of a nutscape's plumes... collectively lost in the boundless vastness of a single wrinkle of mink-Phen foreskin.
More in replies.
#mink_art #minktober #mink #furry #astronomical_hyper #hyper #phoenix
#phoenix #hyper #astronomical_hyper #furry #mink #minktober #mink_art
Extra pawb version.
Still for https://twitter.com/Drangonzic
#paws #hyper #astronomical_hyper #mink #minktober #mink_art
Minktober 2022: ponymink.
It's very pettable too, of course. You just need a lot more pairs of hands to cover it.
#hyper #astronomical_hyper #mink #minktober #mink_art
Still for https://twitter.com/Hummusmoments
#mink_art #minktober #mink #astronomical_hyper #hyper #furry
#furry #hyper #astronomical_hyper #mink #minktober #mink_art
Minktober 2022: blackcatmink.
Oh no everyone's looking at Charlotte, she's getting flustered! They should stop exciting her for their general continued existence.
Shoulda put the exit portal further out.
For https://twitter.com/Hummusmoments
#mink_art #minktober #mink #astronomical_hyper #hyper #furry
#furry #hyper #astronomical_hyper #mink #minktober #mink_art
Minktober 2022: floatzelmink and monfernomink.
Through the fire and floods.
Also comes with a little story, read it on FurAffinity: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/49348162
Or in a cryptpad: https://cryptpad.fr/pad/#/2/pad/view/7eLOlTQ7bSjiDcHaOPeoYWGBXzyeyOcMVSM5pDSazOw/embed/
For https://www.furaffinity.net/user/ac2 and https://twitter.com/PyrenMonferno
#mink_art #mink_story #mink #minktober #furry #astronomical_hyper #hyper
#hyper #astronomical_hyper #furry #minktober #mink #mink_story #mink_art
Minktober 2022: multiballbunmink.
When you got so many balls they break every image trying to depict them.
For https://www.furaffinity.net/user/gratinprime
Sketch by me, they did the colors and shading. Their post of it is here: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/49323996/
#mink_art #minktober #mink #furry #hyper #astronomical_hyper
#astronomical_hyper #hyper #furry #mink #minktober #mink_art
Minktober 2022: homoncubunmink.
Minktober returns. Not every day this time, evidently, but there will be mink.
So here's Emmet, starting things slowly by utterly ripping apart reality by its frail seams.
For https://www.furaffinity.net/user/sinnabun/
#mink_art #minktober #mink #astronomical_hyper #hyper #furry
#furry #hyper #astronomical_hyper #mink #minktober #mink_art