Well, I looked at the data I could find through NOAA and #RochMN set temperature records on both Wednesday and Thursday. Tuesday was second highest on record and Friday was tied for third. So basically, last week was exceptionally warm. Coincidentally, we haven't started a car since last Saturday.
Great biking weather! #biketooter #Minnesota #weather #minnesotaspring
#rochmn #BikeTooter #minnesota #weather #minnesotaspring
Last week we had a blizzard. Today I got a mild sunburn and two mosquito bites. This is what passes for “spring” in Minnesota.
#minnesotaspring #minnesotalife
My plants are going to hang out here until the spring of deception and third winter are over. #Minnesota #minnesotaspring #gardening #vegetables
#minnesota #minnesotaspring #gardening #vegetables
My favorite part of springtime in Minnesota is seeing all the Halloween yard decorations re-emerge as the snow melts.
#minnesotaspring #minnesota #spring #minnesotalife
Happy April! Love, Mother Nature
#snow #minnesota #minnesotaspring #firstofapril #april #avril #snowfall #bluesnow
#snow #minnesota #minnesotaspring #firstofapril #april #avril #snowfall #bluesnow