Today's Minoan Tarot cards:
Five of Rhytons: You have experienced loss, and that can be painful. But don't let the loss fill up your vision until all you can see is it. There are positive aspects to this situation. Focusing on them may or may not lessen the discomfort, but it will allow you to put the situation in perspective and begin to move forward again.
Ten of Daggers: Sometimes the weight gets to be too much. This might be due to choices you have made or been pressured into, or simply due to life circumstances. Regardless, it's time to remove some of that weight: hand responsibilities to others, lean on others (this includes deities if you're inclined in that direction). Lighten the load a little so you can move freely again.
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Today's #MinoanTarot cards are all about who we are and what we embody in relationship with others.
Priestess of Rhytons: The Water aspects within you that allow you to nurture your fellow human beings and support them in their relationships with themselves. Your empathy and intuition are valuable traits that allow you to help others and to find your own way in life. Your inner steadiness and warm acceptance of all aspects of human nature create a safe environment for those around you. Treasure these aspects of yourself. They are far more valuable than our materialist society wants to admit.
Priestess of Daggers: Priestess of Daggers. The Fire in you that supports and nourishes your own and other people's passion and creativity. Your Fire is honest, steady, and stable, creating an open, welcoming environment in which others can flourish. Your own creativity and passion inspire others to trust their inner Fire, so don't hide yours or diminish it simply because modern society tells you it's less valuable than more material concerns.
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Today's Minoan Tarot cards.
The High Priestess: Inner knowing: the inner voice, the higher self - the stuff you can't access via the analytical mind. Listen to that voice and let it guide you - it will lead you to places you can't reach any other way.
Three of Daggers: First fruits of the harvest. How appropriate for this time of year in the northern hemisphere! But you can take this one figuratively as well as literally - the beginning of a new adventure, the initial success of a new project, trying something you haven't done before. This card may be nudging you to give that new thing a try - it's suggesting there will be positive results.
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I've written a few books! Sometimes it still feels a little surreal, that I'm a published author - even after all these years.
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Today's Minoan Tarot cards.
Six of Daggers: Winner! You've put in the effort, done the work, and now you get the recognition and success for that effort. This isn't about luck. It's because you worked your way through to the end of the learning curve. Congratulations!
Three of Horns: You didn't achieve that success by yourself. You had help. You had teachers and companions and helpers. Don't forget them as you move forward.
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Today's Minoan Tarot cards:
Sacrifice: Giving something up in order to receive something else. You can't pick up something new until you've emptied your hand of what it's already holding. Let it go. Allow the old pattern to dissolve so the new one can form. This is one of three cards of success. The Chariot means succeeding by controlling others; Strength means succeeding by controlling yourself; Sacrifice means succeeding by giving up control. It's scary, but sometimes it's the best way forward.
Two of Labryses: Stalemate. This is a situation where the two people or forces involved are equally matched and neither has the advantage. This is a difficult and uncomfortable situation. But this card is telling you to hang on to the status quo for now. Don't try to force a resolution. The situation will resolve itself soon. Note that this is a Minor Arcana card, so it points to a less important, short-term aspect of life, while Sacrifice is a Major Arcana card, suggesting a more long-term, overarching aspect of life.
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Today's Minoan Tarot cards:
Eight of Daggers: Time to get moving! Obstacles and difficulties that have stalled you for a long time are finally out of the way, and you can move forward. Expect a level of activity that you have been hoping for.
Six of Rhytons: Looking to the past can be helpful as long as you also remember to look forward. Something has happened to trigger a memory, and if you look at it from the correct angle, you'll find the lesson and the value in it. Just remember that you're not the same person you were then, so you don't have to respond to that kind of situation the way you did in the past.
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Today's Minoan Tarot cards:
Lady of Labryses: Think your way out of your problems. Find new angles for old issues and puzzle out unique solutions that aren't bound by "common sense" or "common knowledge." Now is the time for thinking that's not just outside the box, but thinking that forgets about the box altogether.
Priest of Rhytons: Let your heart lead you. Let your warmth overflow so those around you feel cherished and loved. Emotion is not a weakness, but a great strength. It is the cement that binds long-lasting relationships among friends and family. Cherish it the way it helps you cherish others.
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Today's Minoan Tarot cards have an Earthy vibe.
Ace of Horns: The Aces denote beginnings. What Earthy new thing lies on your horizon? This card represents manifestation in the material world and the experience of embodied physical life. This includes finances and business, sure, but it also comprises all kinds of practical aspects of life, from our physical surroundings to our activities, food and drink, and physical pleasure (sexual and non-sexual).
Nine of Horns: This is the card of honest success through self-reliance and self-discipline. You've gotten in gear and done what needs doing, which has helped you achieve many of your goals. You're not all the way to the finish line, but your honest effort has taken you a great deal of the way. That's something to celebrate.
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Today's Minoan Tarot cards. Bit of a Fire theme here.
Nine of Daggers: You can do it. No matter how difficult the situation appears, you have what it takes to make it through. It may take more strength and endurance than you thought you had, but you have it in you. Keep on keeping on, knowing that you will reach your goal.
Youth of Daggers: It's so tempting to just plunge ahead, whether you're ready or not. Enthusiasm is important, snd you have plenty of it. But you also need skills and patience. Figure out what you need to learn, then allow yourself the time to do it. Climbing that learning curve may not be your favorite activity, but it won't ruin your enthusiasm, and it will give you the tools you need to get to where you want to go.
Today's Minoan Tarot cards:
Nine of Horns: You've worked hard, dedicated yourself, and now you get to reap the rewards of that hard work and dedication. You may not have reached all your goals, but you're well on your way. You can pat yourself on the back now. Well done!
Six of Labryses: Stuff is moving. Maybe you're physically traveling, or maybe your mindset has shifted so new things can come into your life. This card indicates relief and recovery, so you can take a deep breath and relax a little. Sometimes things really do get better.
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Today's Minoan Tarot cards.
Justice: Cause and effect; consequences. Every decision you make and every action you take has repercussions. Make your decisions based on honesty as a reflection of what you know is right, because you alone are accountable for your choices.
Two of Horns: Sometimes life brings changes. In this case, they're for the good, even if they feel unsettling. Do your best to be flexible, and move forward knowing that there will be gains to offset any losses.
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Today's Minoan Tarot cards:
Two of Horns: Change is afoot! This probably isn't major, life-altering change, but rather another of those smaller shifts that we go through on a regular basis in our lives. Still, the change itself may be unsettling. Do your best to go with the flow, and you'll find a new normal soon.
Lord of Labryses: It's OK to have strong opinions and be decisive. But don't let that push you into impatience, with yourself or others. And recognize that, as the available information changes, your opinions and decisions will need to change, too. Nothing is set in stone.
Today's Minoan Tarot cards, a rather earthy pair:
Youth of Horns: Mindfulness of the body and its needs. This is good health not through following the latest diet and exercise fad, but through listening to what your specific body needs. We're individuals, not beings created on a factory assembly line. Listen to what your body tells you when you try different activities, food choices, and healing modalities and make your decisions based on that information, not on what anyone else is doing. That's the key to the best health in the long term.
Three of Horns: cooperation and teamwork. This is the "no one is an island" card. You're going to have to work with others to get where you want to go. This might mean finding a good teacher, compromising with co-workers, or asking friends for assistance. Don't try to go it alone. That's not the recipe for success. This can be hard in our painfully individualistic society, but it's a valuable lesson to learn.
Two Minoan Tarot cards for your week.
Two of Rhytons: relationship, connection, interdependence. No one is an island, as the saying goes. Pay attention to the connections in your life with other humans, non-human animals, deities and spirit allies, the natural world. They make your web of life stronger, more resilient, more beautiful.
Justice: Actions have consequences, including among those connections I mentioned in the previous card. Justice means shaping your life by making choices that reflect the underlying divine order. This doesn't mean that everyone will be happy with your decisions. But it does mean that you'll know you did the right thing, given the situation.
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