Australia has preferential voting so a person can make their transfer to another candidate at FULL VALUE.

We just tallied quotas of minor parties that were good enough to be placed ahead of and Greens.

The quota was exceeded in EVERY state!

So if everyone who voted for quality numbered as many quality parties as they could, we'd have 12 minorParty member in parliment.

Your preferences matter!

#preferentialVoting #vote #majorParties #minorParties #independent #senate #auspol

Last updated 3 years ago

Most remember the frenzied cacophony of hacks that emerged from the election of Ricky Muir.

So-called "progressive" outlets lampooned our democratic process that ensured votes for were never wasted (unlike in the ). A process that enabled people like the once-relevant to get elected.

They to change our , at every opportunity demonising the workingClass senator.

Maybe if he called himself 'Richard'???

#Australians #legacymedia #minorParties #usa #NickXenophon #engineeredConsent #votingsystem

Last updated 3 years ago

WARNING: in rigged against .

They've had 4 yrs to fix this. Noone at the () has fixed instructions that caused 70,000 for minorParties to be binned.

If you vote for a you *must* number as many above-the-line as possible. Following their top instruction and numbering one party, means your vote is if that party doesn't get in.

Govts in quietly abolished .

#elections #SouthAustralia #minorParties #ElectoralCommision #ECSA #misleading #votes #minorParty #wasted #australia #PartyPreferences #post2016

Last updated 3 years ago

2/2 (didn't send for some reason)

Remembering when our land title registries were not leased out to banksters for 99 years (pre 2017).

Remembering when we could easily vote for a minor party because all parties needed to disclose a full voting preferences, and were not served by dotCon artists.

For many pushed into , remember to grow and eat food, play, practice, restore.

#minorParties #highrise #backyards

Last updated 3 years ago
Does have minor parties?

Even if they don't have , they are still doing better than the USA the USA don't really do minor parties, and they have 330 million people and military bases across the globe, so…

(We meant but has greater poetic license than us apparently.)


#iran #minorParties #sharted #scattered #autocorrect #legitimacy #colonialism #empire

Last updated 4 years ago