:frl: De kwaliteit fån it sprutsen #Frysk kin ferhege wurde troch mear skriuwûnderwiis oan te bieden. Ås minsken twifelje oer in wurd, brûke sy de Nederlânske fariant. Sa slûpe der hieltyd mear Nederlânske wurden yn 'e sprektaal.
🇪🇺 The quality of spoken #Frisian can be increased by offering more writing education. When people are in doubt about a word, they use the Dutch variant. That way more and more Dutch words sneaking into the spoken language.
#frysk #frisian #minoritizedlanguages
:frl: Aardich om te hearren: podcast oer de Fryske taal en skiednis fanút Ingelsk perspektyf. #frysk #frisian #minoritizedlanguages
🇪🇺 Nice to listen to: podcast about the Frisian language and history from an English perspective.
#frysk #frisian #minoritizedlanguages
:frl: Sân jier ferlyn makke de BBC dizze reportaazje oer it trijetalige fuortset ûnderwiis yn #Fryslân. Op it stuit håntearje fjouwer skoallen dizze oanpak dus dêr is noch in soad te winnen.
🇪🇺 Seven years ago the #BBC made this report about the trilingual secondary education in #Friesland. At the moment four schools are working with this approach, so there is still a lot to gain.
#frysk #frisian #minoritizedlanguages
#fryslan #bbc #friesland #frysk #frisian #minoritizedlanguages
🇳🇱 "Je perkje staat er zoals altijd weer schraal bij, zal ik het maar gewoon van je overnemen?"
:frl: "Jou my leaver in kear wåt sinneljocht, wetter en dong dåtst jimmer foar dysels hâldst."
🇪🇺 "Your flower bed looks sparse as always, let me just take it over from you."
"Rather give me some sunlight, water and manure that you always keep for yourself."
:frl: Leafde soe fån twa kånten komme moatte mar ienrjochtingsferkear is wåt ik myn hiele libben sjoen ha. Gelokkich wiene der útsonderingen 😘
🇪🇺 Love should come from two directions but one-way traffic is what I have seen all my life. Fortunately, there were exceptions 😘
:wiki: "Frequently one-way bilingualism develops when speakers of minoritized languages learn the dominant language, but not vice versa." #minoritizedlanguages
Nothing beats the smell of a book hot off the press 👃📚 But why buy the hardcopy when you can read it #OpenAccess for free here? @langscipress https://langsci-press.org/catalog/book/332
#Diaspora #Linguistics #minoritizedLanguages #Aymara #Quechua
#quechua #aymara #minoritizedlanguages #linguistics #diaspora #openaccess
Upcoming deadline: Submit your abstracts for the Minority Languages in the City conference until Dec 16 📆 More information on the ELAR blog:
#cfp #minoritylanguages #minoritizedlanguages
incidentally this is the one (1) radio station that’s supposed to play #Galician music, but truly what they play is megarandom EN and ES songs (I mean. clearly.) and then weird GL covers of EN/ES songs without saying the singer(s)’ name and which are then untraceable online, which leads me to believe they’re manufacturing GL songs in order to have something to play that isn’t current GL music… because a lot of it is independentist or advocates for galego use. #MinoritizedLanguages
#galician #minoritizedlanguages