Unu artìculu in italianu a pitzu de polìtica linguìstica in Sardinnia, sa #LSC contra s'impreu de is bariantis de su logu
Su sardu o sa limba?
#lsc #sardu #minoritylanguages
S'il y a des Wikipédien•nes qui s'ennuient (ou des linguistes motivé•es), l'intéressant article Wikipédia sur le cornique (langue des Cornouailles) a besoin d'être wikifié : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornique?wprov=sfla1 #cornique #cornouailles #cornish #cornwall #linguistique #linguistics #languesminoritaires #minoritylanguages #Wikipedia #LinguaLibre
#cornique #cornouailles #cornish #cornwall #linguistique #linguistics #languesminoritaires #minoritylanguages #wikipedia #lingualibre
'Mae’r delynores Cerys Hafana wedi bod yn siarad am y cyfnod pan wnaeth hi godi gwrychyn rhai o hoelion wyth byd y delyn deires Gymreig. [...] Mae’n disgrifio ei hun fel person cwiar sy’n achosi dryswch i lawer o bobl sydd ddim yn siŵr ai merch neu fachgen ydi hi.
“Mae’n eironig bod y bobl sy’n clodfori Nansi Richards gymaint yn ofni dylanwadau allanol rŵan. Achos yr unig reswm mae’r deires yn dal i gael ei chwarae ydi’r dylanwad allanol wnaeth wedyn droi mewn i ddylanwad mewnol wedyn, wrth gwrs, wrth i’r Romani ddod yn rhan hollbwysig o ddiwylliant Cymru.”'
#MinorityLanguages #FolkMusic #TripleHarp #Wales #Romani #QueerStudies
#minoritylanguages #folkmusic #tripleharp #Wales #Romani #queerstudies
Re-sharing for the weekend crowd. The official link to our lovely #OpenAccess collection, 'Minoritised Languages and Travel' in the Modern Languages Open journal.
This is a collection of 5 essays + introduction that explore frictions between traveller and travelee as well as the inherent instability of social, cultural and language hierarchies.
#TravelWriting #ModernLanguages #Romantodons #MinorityLanguages #MinorityCulture #Tourism #History #Travelguide #Diary #Wales #Ireland #Germany #France #Spain #Catalonia #Caribbean #DerekWalcott #Poetry
#openaccess #travelwriting #modernlanguages #romantodons #minoritylanguages #minorityculture #tourism #history #travelguide #diary #Wales #ireland #germany #france #sPAIN #catalonia #caribbean #derekwalcott #poetry
Lingua Libre user? Do you record words? Reuse the recordings? Are you learning languages? Wishing to share yours?
Wikimédia France is drafting a strategic plan for #LinguaLibre, its free, libre collaborative linguistic media library.
What do you think Lingua Libre should be?
Please answer this short form: https://framaforms.org/enquete-identite-lingua-libre-en-1688401247 (5 min).
#learning #languages #EndangeredLanguages #MinorityLanguages #OralKnowledge #orality
#lingualibre #learning #languages #endangeredlanguages #minoritylanguages #oralknowledge #orality
Little reminder that we have nice language courses (A1, A2, B1) for Upper and Lower #Sorbian available online and for free with German or English as source languages. Spread the word! https://sprachkurs.sorbischlernen.de/#/welcome
#slavistics #minoritylanguages #serbsce
#sorbian #slavistics #minoritylanguages #serbsce
A workshop bringing together NLP and field linguistics at #EACL #EACL2023 (the extended deadline is 23 February): https://field-matters.github.io/cfp2023 #nlp #fieldlinguistics #minoritylanguages #languages #linguistics
#linguistics #languages #minoritylanguages #fieldlinguistics #nlp #eacl2023 #eacl
A workshop bringing together NLP and field linguistics at #EACL #EACL2023 (the extended deadline is 23 February): https://field-matters.github.io/cfp2023 #nlp #fieldlinguistics #minoritylanguages #languages #linguistics
#linguistics #languages #minoritylanguages #fieldlinguistics #nlp #eacl2023 #eacl
Se par câs cualchidun al pense ancjemò che imparâ une lenghe piçule e minorizade (in chest câs il Catalan) al fasi mâl al aprendiment des altris lenghis ...
If, by any chance, there is someone who still believes that learning a small and minority language (in this case Catalan) is bad for learning also other languages ...
#languages #minoritylanguages #plurilingualism #friulian #friûl #friuli
#languages #minoritylanguages #plurilingualism #friulian #friul #friuli
Supporting minority languages requires more than token gestures
#Canada #IndigenousLanguages #Politics #Language #Immigration #Multiculturalism #Multilingualism #Diversity #MinorityLanguages #Integration #StatisticsCanada #MotherTongue
#canada #indigenouslanguages #politics #language #immigration #multiculturalism #multilingualism #diversity #minoritylanguages #integration #statisticscanada #mothertongue
A textbook in mathematical analysis in Erzya – a unique work introducing basic terms and hopefully a source of inspiration for other language communities:
#erzya #mordvin #uralic #uraliclanguages #minoritylanguages #endangeredlanguages #languageactivism #linguistics #language #mathematics #mathematicalanalysis
#mathematicalanalysis #mathematics #language #linguistics #languageactivism #endangeredlanguages #minoritylanguages #uraliclanguages #uralic #mordvin #erzya
A textbook in mathematical analysis in Erzya – a unique work introducing basic terms and hopefully a source of inspiration for other language communities:
#erzya #mordvin #uralic #uraliclanguages #minoritylanguages #endangeredlanguages #languageactivism #linguistics #language #mathematics #mathematicalanalysis
#mathematicalanalysis #mathematics #language #linguistics #languageactivism #endangeredlanguages #minoritylanguages #uraliclanguages #uralic #mordvin #erzya
Upcoming deadline: Submit your abstracts for the Minority Languages in the City conference until Dec 16 📆 More information on the ELAR blog:
#cfp #minoritylanguages #minoritizedlanguages
How did I miss minority language #Eurovision!?!? #minoritylanguages
#eurovision #minoritylanguages
Nach math g'eil òran sa Chuimris a' riochdachadh na dùthcha an Cuach na Cruinne.
Great that the Welsh have a song in their own tongue to represent them in the #WorldCup. In Scotland, the #SFA can't even put Alba on our strip.
#Cymraeg #Wales #Gaelic #Gàidhlig #Scotland #MinorityLanguages
#minoritylanguages #scotland #gaidhlig #gaelic #wales #cymraeg #sfa #worldcup
Hi 👋🏽 I’m Sophie McKeand, a Welsh writer, poet, grandma, vegan, intersectional feminist, anarchist, van-dweller, indy-publisher & lover of rescue hounds. I also have a tendency to over-label to the point of uselessness. Some ADHA tendencies. Currently finishing the third book in sci-fi series The MthR Trilogy.
#dysgucymraeg #vegan #scifi #speculativefiction #poetry #minimalism #animalliberation #rescuehounds #intersectionalfeminism #anarchism #copyleft #indyWales #minoritylanguages
#minoritylanguages #indywales #copyleft #anarchism #intersectionalfeminism #rescuehounds #animalliberation #minimalism #poetry #speculativefiction #scifi #vegan #dysgucymraeg
S math gum faicear a' Chuimris cho follaiseach aig an sgioba nàiseanta aca.
Great that the Welsh language is so prominently used by their national team.
#CymruAmByth #Cymraeg #Gàidhlig #Gaelic #WorldCup #Wales #MinorityLanguages #CelticNations
#CelticNations #minoritylanguages #wales #worldcup #gaelic #gaidhlig #cymraeg #cymruambyth
More generally, if you work on #MT for #MinorityLanguages, do reach out **please**. There's a lot of interesting things to do and it makes no sense not to coordinate!
On air right now on Manx Radio AM in Manx
We're playing a musical connections game that doesn't require any understanding of Manx. What connects the three songs?
#live #minoritylanguages #music #radio #manx
RT @EP_ScienceTech: #Multilingualism is a cornerstone of the 🇪🇺, with 24 official & 60 #MinorityLanguages.
In a digital era, ensuring digital language equality can help preserve linguistic diversity.
@jordisolef @yanatoom @barbara_plank @EP_Interpreters @EUROLANG
#Multilingualism #minoritylanguages