Why is the #NHS contracting with #Palantir, a controversial US business whose founder, Peter #Thiel, is a buddy of #Trump & which undertakes “federal work, which includes building battlefield software, migrant surveillance systems and ‘predictive policing’ [#MinorityReport-style] tools to identify potential perpetrators and victims of crime.”
#NHS #palantir #thiel #trump #minorityreport
Action movies released in 2002…pick your favorite.
#thebourneidentity #minorityreport #thesumofallfears #windtalkers #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #actionmovies
@Kahte @iamuppsala @temptoetiam Ah oui, c’est aussi un grand mystère pour moi!
Parfois, avant même d’appuyer sur « Partager », je suis déjà cité par @Kahte #MinorityReport
Oui pareil.
Le gus dit qu’il n’y a pas de terrorisme d’ultragauche alors qu’il y en a plein d’ultradroite… mais que quand même, c’est sûr, ils vont s’y mettre…
SciFi movies released in 2002…pick your favorite.
#StarWarsAttackOfTheClones #StarWars #StarWarsEpisodeII
#Movies #Cinemastodon #Cinema #Filmastodon #SciFiMovies #SciFi
#minorityreport #signs #starwarsattackoftheclones #StarWars #starwarsepisodeii #solaris #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #scifimovies #SciFi
Wir müssen bei bestimmten Themen wie #ReclaimYourFace in die Offensive gehen; das haben die Piraten getan mit dem Ergebnis, dass die Echtzeiterkennung von Gesichtern vom EU Parlament abgelehnt wird. Sonst besteht die Gefahr, irgendwann in einem Staat zu leben, der vom Film #MinorityReport dystopisch abgebildet wird. #piraten #bpt231
#reclaimyourface #minorityreport #piraten #bpt231
Ok. Ready Player One is the obvious answer. But I think there is actually a lot of Minority Report sprinkled throughout the objective Apple is aiming at.
#mkbhd #applevisionpro #readyplayerone #minorityreport
soso in meinem #kanton hier in der #schweiz haben die #politiker versucht den #minorityreport einzuführen. das berechnen ob jemand kriminell wird um ihn dann zu verhaften.... "dummerweise" für die #polizei wurde idee jetzt wieder gestoppt...
in #deutschland ist man wohl weiter...
"Klima-Kleber in Deutschland präventiv verhaftet – ohne etwas gemacht zu haben"
sowas nenn ich dann einen #terrorstaat
#kanton #schweiz #politiker #minorityreport #polizei #deutschland #terrorstaat
Au secours, #MinorityReport devient bien réel !
#MinorityReport 0.9a #GoogleGlass had this potential, I really looked forward to Glass being a consumer tool, but Google's mistake was making it first for outdoors - photography and GPS. It was an inspired idea, but people saw it as "spook tech" for creapazoids.
Apple, like Oculus, are taking a more conservative "primary-indoor" approach - use in the safety of your home or office.
Contrary to what I've seen one or two say about this, I think, especially as a 3D modeller/printer, there is a place for immersive, simulated environments. To be able to hold an existing part and its 3D model counterpart together, on in real space, one in virtual space, perfectly to scale, and see what design tweaks I need to make, will improve my developments beyond even my imagining.
To the critics, this is not a 3D VR headset, it's a 3D AR headset, and you need to learn the difference. I'm 63 in September, and some of the critics in their 20s and 30s are more rigid thinkers than my grandmother was in her 70s!
»In one video posted by #CyberInt [an Israeli #threat intelligence firm], an analyst for the firm discusses her approach to go into online communities and “detect threat actors when they are #young or starting out at 14 or 15, that's when I start observing and documenting their malicious activities.” At that age, they are “more #careless and open,” the analyst said.«
via @tarnkappeinfo
#whatsapp #reddit #discord #careless #young #threat #Cyberint #minors #minorityreport
Now rewatching:
'Minority Report' (2002) - directed by Steven Spielberg..
..with a scientologist, Colin Farrell, Steve Harris, Samantha Morton, Max von Sydow, Peter Stormare, Tim Blake Nelson
Kathryn Morris and others..
#minorityreport - #cinema #cinemastodon #film #movie - #ScienceFiction #Cyberpunk - #watched #nowwatching - #PhilipKDick
#philipkdick #nowwatching #watched #cyberpunk #sciencefiction #movie #film #cinemastodon #cinema #minorityreport
“What is the point in being open and candid with the #police, working with their liaison officers and meeting senior commanders, if all their promises and undertakings turn out to be a lie?” https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/may/07/police-right-to-arrest-coronation-protesters-as-uk-on-global-stage-says-minister
#Met #MetPolice #FreeSpeech #Censorship #MinorityReport #PreCrime #CivilLiberties #Monarchy #Coronation #ToryPoliciesInAction
#torypoliciesinaction #Coronation #monarchy #civilliberties #precrime #minorityreport #censorship #freespeech #metpolice #met #police
When I was a kid I've read a sci-fi story in which an omniscient government monitors every thought of the proles via #artificialintelligence
(In another sci-fi story it was a hospital of the future where the nurses take an excellent care of patients, thanks to their ability to monitor the patients' thoughts)
Scientists have developed an #AI system that decodes thoughts and converts them into text -
#surveillance #precrime #minorityreport #thoughtcrime #creepy
#artificialintelligence #ai #surveillance #precrime #minorityreport #thoughtcrime #creepy
Yikes! #ThoughtPolice next? Pre-CrimeUnit?
“…the team says that policies may be needed to protect mental privacy as the technology develops.”
#PreCrime #MindReader #1984 #MinorityReport #Orwell #PhilipKDick
#thoughtpolice #precrime #mindreader #minorityreport #orwell #philipkdick
There are law enforcement agencies all over the world working out how to use #AI to #minorityreport your ass.
I refuse to buy into hype surrounding generative AI, language models, and #ChatGPT. Suddenly, everyone seems perfectly fine with hooking all of their software into these online tools and handing them lots of data and I’m like…no, thank you, and do people understand just how potentially dangerous this technology is?
This is#HAL9000 and #MinorityReport-style technology. In its infancy, to be sure, but the potential for harm is already there.