MAJORITY Of Americans Are Against Ukraine War!
As the Ukraine War drags on with no end in sight, Americans are increasingly coming to the conclusion that additional billions of military aid is not worth it. According to a recent CNN poll, for the first time since the war began, a majority of Americans report believing that no more American taxpayer dollars should be spent supporting the Ukraine war effort.
#USA #discontent #proxywar #russia #nazis #ukraine #agressor #minskaccord #bombingcivilians #years
#usa #discontent #proxywar #russia #nazis #ukraine #agressor #minskaccord #bombingcivilians #years
Audio Stream: "The Mass Media Used To Publish Perspectives On Ukraine They Would Never Publish Today by Going Rogue With Caitlin Johnstone" | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
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#RussiaUkraineCrisis #RussiaUkraineWar
#MSMPropaganda #MainstreamMediaLies
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#AmericanEmpire #AmericanImperialism
#NATOExpansion #MinskAgreement #NATO
#MinskAccord #AbolishNATO #DisbandNATO
#DisbandNATO #abolishNATO #minskaccord #NATO #MinskAgreement #nAToeXpansion #americanimperialism #americanempire #usgreed #uslies #usspin #uspropaganda #mainstreammedialies #MSMPropaganda #RussiaUkraineWar #RussiaUkraineCrisis #Podcast #goingrogue #caitlinjohnstone
"(607) Get ready! The BIGGEST news predictions of 2023 REVEALED | Redacted with Clayton Morris"
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#WesternEmpire #WesternPropaganda
#NuclearWar #USBrokenPromises #NATO
#USEmpire #AmericanEmpire #Propaganda
#Ukraine #Russia #NATO #USRussiaProxyWar
#usrussiaproxywar #Russia #Ukraine #Propaganda #americanempire #usempire #NATO #usbrokenpromises #nuclearwar #WesternPropaganda #westernempire #worldwar3 #minskaccord #uspropaganda #2023predictions #geraldcelente #claytonmorris