#SpaceX and the destruction of the launch mount has #devastated the #protected #wildlife area around the #explosion.
Does #Elon think that since #MINWR is near #KSC that he should launch near a wildlife sanctuary? MINWR came after KSC, and NASA has increased measures to protect wildlife from its activities.
Musk doesn't care.
CW: results of #negligent #cruelty to animals
#cruelty #negligent #ksc #minwr #elon #explosion #wildlife #protected #devastated #spacex
The #gaillardia, or Blanket #Flower, is native to the #Americas. It’s widespread across the #Americas, including at the #Merritt #Island #Wildlife Refuge, where it flourishes in the salt #marsh. The #blooms are widespread and bright throughout #MINWR. #BlanketFlower, #Wildflower, #FlowersOfMastodon, #Photography, #Photograph, #Photograph
Buy a print: https://heronfox.pixels.com/featured/blanket-flower-on-stalk-heron-and-fox.html
#gaillardia #flower #americas #merritt #island #wildlife #marsh #blooms #minwr #blanketflower #wildflower #flowersofmastodon #photography #photograph
The Merritt Island #Wildlife Refuge is home to a huge number of species of #waterfowl, including the Great Blue #Heron, like this one; #flying over the waters of the #Merritt #Island National #Wildlife Refuge.
#GreatBlueHeron, #ArdeaHerodia, #MerrittIslandNationalWildlifeRefuge, #MINWR, #Florida, #Bird, #FlyingBird, #Photography, #Photograph, #Photo
#wildlife #waterfowl #heron #flying #merritt #island #greatblueheron #ardeaherodia #merrittislandnationalwildliferefuge #minwr #florida #bird #flyingbird #photography #photograph #photo
A Checkered White #Butterfly has landed on a #beggersticks #flower.
Both species are native to #Florida, and flourish in the Florida #scrubland.
This #photograph was taken at the Merritt Island National #Wildlife Refuge.
#CheckeredWhite, #BidensAlba, #PontiaProtodice, #FlowersOfMastodon, #MerrittIslandNationalWildlifeRefuge, #MINWR, #Insect,
#butterfly #beggersticks #flower #florida #scrubland #photograph #wildlife #checkeredwhite #bidensalba #pontiaprotodice #flowersofmastodon #merrittislandnationalwildliferefuge #minwr #insect
A group of Roseate Spoonbills flying over the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refugee.
Their bright #pink feathers make them very clear against the white #clouds and blue #sky.
#RoseateSpoonbills gain their pink coloration from eating a certain crustacean containing a pigment. Flamingos gain the color from the same process.
#Bird, #BirdsOfMastodon, #MerrittIslandNationalWildlifeRefuge, #MINWR, #NationalWildlifeRefuge, #Waterfowl, #FlyingBirds, #PlataleaAjaja, #Photography, #WildlifePhotography, #Photograph, #Photo
#pink #clouds #sky #roseatespoonbills #bird #birdsofmastodon #merrittislandnationalwildliferefuge #minwr #nationalwildliferefuge #waterfowl #flyingbirds #plataleaajaja #photography #wildlifephotography #photograph #photo
The Cinnamon #Fern is named for its resemblance of its tall, #spore-bearing #fronds that take on the appearance and texture of #Cinnamon bark.
It grows natively in the #Americas from Canada to #Florida and the Caribbean and as far south as Peru.
In Asia, it grows from Siberia to as far south as Thailand. It thrives in low-lying, marshy areas, such as the Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge.
#OsmundastrumCinnamomeum, #CinnamonFern, #Plant, #Marsh, #MerrittIslandWildlifeRefuge, #MINWR, #Photography, #Photograph, #Photo,
#fern #spore #fronds #cinnamon #americas #florida #osmundastrumcinnamomeum #cinnamonfern #plant #marsh #merrittislandwildliferefuge #minwr #photography #photograph #photo
#MarshMadness: A Reddish #Egret runs and dances, almost seeming to walk on top of the water on the #marsh of #MINWR, with its #reflection in the bright, blue water.
#reddishegret, #EgrettaRufescens, #saltmarsh, #MerrittIslandNationalWildlifeRefuge, #NationalWildlifeRefuge, #BirdsOfMastodon #Photograph, #Photo, #Photography, #Animalia, #Aves
#marshmadness #egret #marsh #minwr #reflection #reddishegret #egrettarufescens #saltmarsh #merrittislandnationalwildliferefuge #nationalwildliferefuge #birdsofmastodon #photograph #photo #photography #animalia #aves
#MarshMadness: Two Blue-winged #Teal #ducks at #MINWR circle each other in the #marsh. Blue-winged teals feed by dunking their heads in shallow water and “#dabbling” up vegetation and small mollusks from the water’s bottom.
#BlueWingedTeal, #Duck, #MerrittIslandNationalWildlifeRefuge, #DabblingDucks, #Marsh, #Birds, #Waterfowl, #BirdsOfMastodon, #Photograph, #Photography, #Photo, #NaturePhotography
#marshmadness #teal #ducks #minwr #marsh #dabbling #bluewingedteal #duck #merrittislandnationalwildliferefuge #dabblingducks #birds #waterfowl #birdsofmastodon #photograph #photography #photo #naturephotography
#SynchronizedSwimmers at #MINWR. Blue-Winged Teals #forage for food by #diving headfirst into the shallow #marsh #water to nibble up, or #dabble, the #vegetation and small #insects on the water’s floor. This male and female pair are swimming in circles like they’ve been trained. They even dived together.
#Photograph, #Photography, #Photo, #Bird, #Birds, #Duck, #Ducks, #Teals, #BlueWingedTeals, #MerrittIslandNationalWildlifeRefuge, #waterfowl, #marsh, #MarshMadness, #BirdsOfMastodon.
#synchronizedswimmers #minwr #forage #diving #marsh #water #dabble #vegetation #insects #photograph #photography #photo #bird #birds #duck #ducks #teals #bluewingedteals #merrittislandnationalwildliferefuge #waterfowl #marshmadness #birdsofmastodon
A close-up of a Blanket Flower or #Gaillardia #Flower at the #SaltMarsh of #MINWR.
Notice the dry grass underneath, as #FireSeason was arriving at the time.
#Photograph, #Photography, #Photo, #Flower, #BlanketFlower, #GaillarrdiaFlower, #RedFlower, #ColorfulFlower, #Bloom, #MarshFlowers #MarshMadness, #FlowersOfMastodon.
#gaillardia #flower #saltmarsh #minwr #fireseason #photograph #photography #photo #blanketflower #gaillarrdiaflower #redflower #colorfulflower #bloom #marshflowers #marshmadness #flowersofmastodon
A reddish egret dashes across the top of the water with its wings outstretched. The bird may be engaged in canopy feeding.
#WaterfowlWednesdays, #MarshMadness, #ReddishEgret, #EgrettaRufescen, #waterfowl, #MerrittIslandNationalWildlifeRefuge, #MINWR, #marsh, #bird, #water, #Photograph, #Photography, #Photo.
#waterfowlwednesdays #marshmadness #reddishegret #egrettarufescen #waterfowl #merrittislandnationalwildliferefuge #minwr #marsh #bird #water #photograph #photography #photo
A Double Crested-Cormorant and an Anhinga look up from their perches in the marsh of Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge.
#WaterfowlWednesdays, #MarshMadness, #DoubleCrestedCormorant, #NannopterumAuritum, #Anhinga, #snakebird, #waterfowl, #MerrittIslandNationalWildlifeRefuge, #MINWR, #marsh, #bird, #water, #Photograph, #Photography, #Photo.
#waterfowlwednesdays #marshmadness #doublecrestedcormorant #nannopterumauritum #anhinga #snakebird #waterfowl #merrittislandnationalwildliferefuge #minwr #marsh #bird #water #photograph #photography #photo
A Tricolored Heron peers sneakily around some vegetation in the marsh of the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge.
#WaterfowlWednesdays, #MarshMadness, #TricoloredHeron, #Heron, #EgrettaCaerulea, #bird, #waterfowl, #marsh, #MerrittIslandNationalWildlifeRefuge, #MINWR, #water, #Photograph, #Photography, #Photo.
#waterfowlwednesdays #marshmadness #tricoloredheron #heron #egrettacaerulea #bird #waterfowl #marsh #merrittislandnationalwildliferefuge #minwr #water #photograph #photography #photo
A Snowy Egret dives down, legs extended, preparing to land in the water of the briney marsh of the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge.
#WaterfowlWednesdays, #MarshMadness, #SnowyEgret, #EgrettaThula, #Egret, #waterfowl, #MerrittIslandNationalWildlifeRefuge, #MINWR, #marsh, #bird, #water, #Photograph, #Photography, #Photo.
#waterfowlwednesdays #marshmadness #snowyegret #egrettathula #egret #waterfowl #merrittislandnationalwildliferefuge #minwr #marsh #bird #water #photograph #photography #photo
A Great Blue #Heron either eyes a fish or trips into the water at Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge.
#WaterfowlWednesdays, #MarshMadness, #GreatBlueHeron, #Heron, #ArdeaHerodias, #waterfowl, #MerrittIslandNationalWildlifeRefuge, #MINWR, #marsh, #bird, #water, #Photograph, #Photography, #Photo.
#heron #waterfowlwednesdays #marshmadness #greatblueheron #ardeaherodias #waterfowl #merrittislandnationalwildliferefuge #minwr #marsh #bird #water #photograph #photography #photo
#MarshMadness: A Great Blue #Heron flying over the marsh at the #Apopka #Wildlife Drive.
#MINWR, #ArdeaHerodias, #ApopkaWildlifeDrive, #Florida, #GreatBlueHeron, #Waterfowl, #bird,
#marshmadness #heron #apopka #wildlife #minwr #ardeaherodias #apopkawildlifedrive #florida #greatblueheron #waterfowl #bird
A #photograph of a red-winged #blackbird, sitting on a tall branch in the scrub land around Cape Canaveral National Seashore, seeming to survey they area.
#redwingedblackbird, #MINWR, #MerrittIslandNationalWildlifeRefuge, #CapeCanaveralNationalSeashore, #CCNS, #bird.
#photograph #blackbird #redwingedblackbird #minwr #merrittislandnationalwildliferefuge #capecanaveralnationalseashore #ccns #bird
Four #Gaillardia or #BlanketFlowers at #MINWR. The #MerrittIslandNationalWildlifeRefuge hosts many diverse #species of #flowers, #insects, #birds, and others.
MINWR is administered by the #DOI on behalf of #NASA, which does not use most of the island, and so the rest is given over to be a #WildlifeRefuge.
#DepartmentOfTheInterior, #flower, #wildflower, #flowers, #wildflowers,
#gaillardia #blanketflowers #minwr #merrittislandnationalwildliferefuge #species #flowers #insects #birds #doi #nasa #wildliferefuge #departmentoftheinterior #flower #wildflower #wildflowers
#MarshMadness: Two #BlueWinged #Teal #ducks are #feeding from a #pond inside the #MerrittIsland National #Wildlife Refuge #MINWR.
#Teals feed by diving their heads underwater, sometimes leaving their tails and legs kicking above the water, as they eat the underwater vegetation and small mollusks.
#marshmadness #bluewinged #teal #ducks #feeding #pond #merrittisland #wildlife #minwr #teals
The #MerrittIsland National #Wildlife Refuge or #MINWR occupies the northern parts of Merritt Island, north of Kennedy Space Center #KSC’s operational area.
The #brackish #marshes and #wetlands attract an enormous number of #birds of many #species, like #roseate #spoonbills, white #ibis, and #herons.
They are unique #habitat and unique to #photograph.
#merrittisland #wildlife #minwr #ksc #brackish #marshes #wetlands #birds #species #roseate #spoonbills #ibis #herons #habitat #photograph