arccyclist :verified_gay: · @christopherd
394 followers · 2097 posts · Server

oks, walking back to my friends place in Bondi, Sydney, passed an older guy with a hat seated on a small ledge, said Shalom! and he called me over, asked, was I Jewish? He needed minyan for Kaddish. I flipped out my Magen David necklace, and said I'm nearly there, and I'll be happy to help when the process is finished. He smiled, said ahhh, that's good. I hope he got his minyan.

#Mazeldon #jewdiverse #minyan #chabad

Last updated 2 years ago

ChaoticMitzvah · @chaoticmitzvah
20 followers · 62 posts · Server

One of my special interests is musical theatre. Another one of them is Judaism. Fiddler On The Roof is… I don’t currently have a word for it but it’s a beautiful thing.

#fiddlerontheroof #fiddler #yiddishfiddler #yiddler #minyan #judaism

Last updated 2 years ago

@tausciam @statsjew @adar

I think that could be said of a lot here.

There is no without a because the is with the entire community of . You can easily be a Jew without a minyan. You can't be a Jew without the concept of a .

Similarly, interacting with non-Jews is interacting with another community, even if they're the only ones you interact with.

I like the explanation that we were all born but some had to find their way back to the community.

#jew #community #covenant #israel #minyan #jews

Last updated 2 years ago