47 years ago:
F as in Fairbanks (FR)
Original title: F… comme Fairbanks
André Fragman, nicknamed "Fairbanks" after his childhood idol by his film projectionist father, returns home from military service. He meets and falls in love with Marie, an aspiring actress who is rehearsing for a stage production of 'Alice in Wonderland'. All his attempts to find a job and a wa...
#FasinFairbanks #PatrickDewaere #MiouMiou #MichelPiccoli #Movies
#fasinfairbanks #patrickdewaere #mioumiou #michelpiccoli #movies
Je verrai toujours vos visages (2023)
Un dispositif méconnu du grand public, superbement incarné par d’excellents comédiens.
✍️ https://www.senscritique.com/film/je_verrai_toujours_vos_visages/critique/287382540
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#EntreNous #MiouMiou et #Huppert
:newpride: :heart_lesbian:
#fridaynightfilmsandtv #film #entrenous #mioumiou #huppert
49 years ago:
Going Places (FR)
Original title: Les Valseuses
Two whimsical, aimless thugs harass and assault women, steal, murder, and alternately charm, fight, or sprint their way out of trouble. They take whatever the bourgeoisie holds dear, whether it’s cars, peace of mind, or daughters. Marie-Ange, a jaded, passive hairdresser, joins them as lover, cook, ...
#GoingPlaces #BertrandBlier #GérardDepardieu #MiouMiou #PatrickDewaere #ClassicFilm
#goingplaces #BertrandBlier #gerarddepardieu #mioumiou #patrickdewaere #classicfilm
Le Dernier Mercenaire (2021)
Un scénario bordélico-foutraque et écrit à la truelle, c’est à la fois navrant et gênant.
✍️ https://www.senscritique.com/film/le_dernier_mercenaire/critique/284340115
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31 years ago:
Le bal des casse-pieds (FR)
A tolerant veterinarian turns the other cheek when annoyed but changes his nature when he falls in love.
#Lebaldescassepieds #YvesRobert #JeanRochefort #MiouMiou #MichelPiccoli #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
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🇫🇷 Quelles ont été les pages les plus vues hier sur Wikipédia ?
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Mon défi pour 2023 : #unjourunacteurunfilm ou #unjouruneactriceunfilm Aujourd'hui, une actrice attachante, aussi à l'aise dans la comédie que dans le drame. Bonne journée les z'amis ! #MiouMiou
#unjourunacteurunfilm #unjouruneactriceunfilm #mioumiou
43 years ago today:
La Femme flic (FR)
Young police inspector Corinne Levasseur interrogated a dealer without the judge's consent. Following an indiscretion of her lover, the substitute Berthot, Corinne is transferred to a small town in the North who lives under the thumb of a rich industrialist and his family. He is given subaltern task...
#LaFemmeflic #MiouMiou #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#lafemmeflic #mioumiou #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
43 years ago today:
La Femme flic (FR)
Young police inspector Corinne Levasseur interrogated a dealer without the judge's consent. Following an indiscretion of her lover, the substitute Berthot, Corinne is transferred to a small town in the North who lives under the thumb of a rich industrialist and his family. He is given subaltern tasks. Intrigued by the strange death of a teenager, s...
#MiouMiou #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#mioumiou #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
43 years ago today:
La Femme flic (FR)
Young police inspector Corinne Levasseur interrogated a dealer without the judge's consent. Following an indiscretion of her lover, the substitute Berthot, Corinne is transferred to a small town in the North who lives under the thumb of a rich industrialist and his family. He is given subaltern task...
Release date: 1980-01-08
#MiouMiou #LaFemmeflic #ClassicMovies #ClassicFilm #Movies #Film
#mioumiou #lafemmeflic #classicmovies #classicfilm #movies #film
43 years ago today:
La Femme flic (FR)
Young police inspector Corinne Levasseur interrogated a dealer without the judge's consent. Following an indiscretion of her lover, the substitute Berthot, Corinne is transferred to a small town in the North who lives under the thumb of a rich industrialist and his family. He is given subaltern task...
Release date: 1980-01-08
#MiouMiou #LaFemmeflic #ClassicMovies #ClassicFilm #Movies #Film
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