I'm still alive. Kinda. In a fair amount of pain, but at least I let myself actually rest yesterday. Pretty sure I didn't do any combat in any game yesterday.
I've started on the Botanist Splendorous tool upgrade, so really laid back. Time-consuming as I'm doing it the long way, but that's fine by me.
#MiqoteTime in #FFXIV is needed for a few reasons tonight.
After struggling pain, heat and anxiety this week, I'm on a chilled #MiqoteTime in #FFXIV. Just picked up the new Louisoix questline in Ul'dah, so nice and slow.
Might solo some dungeons later. But not up to much group stuff, especially as an FC-er needed to talk too.
#miqotetime #ffxiv #ff14 #finalfantasyxiv
Not going to post here more today. With today's head and humidity, being out of routine and other factors, I'm having my worst #Fibromyalgia day for quite some time.
Off to get a bit of #MiqoteTime in #FFXIV with one of my Miqo'te - haven't decided which yet. But I need to just get meds and try to absorb myself in another world until I can sleep in this one.
G'night folks.
#fibromyalgia #miqotetime #ffxiv
"Look, our brave Warrior of Light rushes to our aid astride her great and noble steed!"
🤣 :blobcatlaugh:
Well, I can at least try to forget it all and aim for another weekly plan next week.
Right now, it's #MiqoteTime in #FFXIV. Just need to recover my main from being in the Costa del Sol after recording this emote. Ha.
#miqotetime #ffxiv #ff14 #finalfantasyxiv
@FibroJedi I’m sorry things have been stressful and not going to plan. I hope #MiqoteTime helps you relax a bit tonight. :blobcathuggies:
Well, I sure a heck am ready for this tonight. I hurt like crazy thanks to stress.
But it's #FFXIV #MiqoteTime
Catch yous later.
I've been really unsettled with various things going on today. Looks like my "pre-rest" and "preparation time" will need to be a "get into productivity mode" thing instead.
So I'm getting what rest I can now. Before going for more Irregular Tomestones, I'm going to do the Rising story on my other Miqo'te.
I had myself a big sleep-in today. :blob_cat_melt:
Now I've had a food and I'm ready for some #MiqoteTime :ablobcatattention:
Ended up staying up a bit extra to do the #FFXIV Rising event and to finish off my roulettes for the day. I even had one item slot left in my house for the new poster from the vendor! Now #MiqoteTime is done for the night... er... morning. Time to sleep. :blob_cat_melt:
Given that I'll be doing more group stuff than I'm used to over the Moogle Event, I'm on a slow #MiqoteTime in #FFXIV.
Just crafting for my carpenter Splendorous Tool, which required three types of wood and 1 type of metal. As nice as Mowen is, she is the true beneficiary of this hard work, ha.
#miqotetime #ffxiv #ff14 #finalfantasyxiv
@DonSerrot My spirit wants to do more #MiqoteTime but my body and mind have failed. At least I made some Ixal progress. Tomorrow is a new day.
A weird day today means my #MiqoteTime has to be earlier else I might not get #FFXIV rest time today.
So I'm just playing a bit of my other Miqo'te - a bit of scholar refreshing before a job quest. I may have a bit of time for post ARR MSQ, but we'll see.
#miqotetime #ffxiv #ff14 #finalfantasyxiv
I made a bit of progress in #FFXIV #MiqoteTime. Got up to L64 on WHM. The L61-65 is really hard on Solo, because the L63 dungeon (Shishui of the Violet Tides) isn't in Duty Finder. So I did the Sirensong Sea a couple of times then the 5 FATE Challenge log.
I'd forgotten how bad FATE EXP was! But I'm â…“ the way to L65 now, so I can get back to using dungeons again soon.
Time for sleep. I suspect I'll need loads of rest again tomorrow...
#ffxiv #miqotetime #staysafe #bekind
I feel like my health's just had a mini-crash. Not like the huge one that rendered it impossible to run a business or hold down a normal job just after our daughter was born.
But one where I've not been listening to my body enough so now it's yelling.
Well, at least it's #MiqoteTime in #FFXIV. I need to do things that don't induce sleep so I can rest properly. So I'm not crafting, but slowly levelling WHM.
I might pick up playing alts again soon I think.
#miqotetime #ffxiv #ff14 #finalfantasyxiv
Because I'm distractable and therefore got distracted, my #MiqoteTime in #FFXIV started far too late. And it's my own headspace time.
I've been working on the L62-63 for Astro, as I'm levelling that and White Mage together (to share gear/cut storage bloat, basically).
A bit more to think about with Astro, but just found the "Earthly Star" skill and man that's a handy one.
#miqotetime #ffxiv #ff14 #finalfantasyxiv
As I'm basically knackered from overdoing it, my #MiqoteTime in #FFXIV was gathering materials for the fourth Carpenter splendorous tool upgrade.
I have to turn background music off in Ultima Thul because the song repeats too often. But the near-silence feels more realistic.
Anyway, I'm off to finish getting this wood, then to go and sleep.
#miqotetime #ffxiv #staysafe #bekind