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#Aerotelegraph - Kanada: Airbus plant A220-Auslieferungszentrum in Mirabel - #Flugzeuge #mirabel #airbus #kanada #quebec #a220
#Aerotelegraph #flugzeuge #mirabel #airbus #kanada #quebec #a220
Aan een boom zĂł vol geladen, mist men Ă©Ă©n, twee pruimpjes niet.
Nog een week wachten op zon, want Mirabel wil warmte voor het rijpen!
#harvest #mirabel #fruit #gardening
I want to see a sequel for #Encanto where #Mirabel and #Bruno go on an adventure. They are able escape the confines of their dysfunctional family.
No longer bound by the expectations of “labels” put in them by other family members, the two of them explore who they truly are and shed the yoke that is The Family Madrigal.
Bruno realises that without the pressure to hide the future from those that only want good news he can work in him. He come out from the shadows in the first film and in this one comes out of the closet. Bruno, now free to love himself finds the man of his dreams and is finally happy. He is also free to address is mental health, and seek treatment with no stigma.
Mirabel is able to walk away from the shame she feels about not having “powers”. She is able to stop feeling she isn’t good enough and stops comparing herself to the other family members. During this process of healing she discovers she a powerful independent woman and goes on to be great things as Mirabel, simply Mirabel.
Practically writes itself.
You can have that idea for free Disney & Lin-Manuel Miranda, you’re welcome.
25 November: In 1999, in their honor, the United Nations General Assembly designated 25 November the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. #Mirabel
#Aerotelegraph - ACJ Two Twenty: Airbus gibt beim A220-Businessjet Gas - #BusinessAviation #acj_two_twenty #Galerie #mirabel #airbus #a220
#Aerotelegraph #businessaviation #acj_two_twenty #galerie #mirabel #airbus #a220