I have been working on this for a while but it’s finally public, an #Islandora site with tons of content that uses the #Mirador viewer with text overlay and hOCR search highlighting. Very useful for tiny text on maps.
Really happy to have helped bring a more accessible large image viewer into Islandora thanks to my employer Born Digital for letting me do this work!
#Mirador de les muyeres #Taxones #Villaviciosa #Asturias
Yo de La Cuenca del Nalón el lugar me trae un recuerdo triste. Pienso en mujeres, niños y ancianos en un día de temporal, con la angustia en la cara, igual que vi acudir a la boca del pozu a vecinos en tragedias mineras.
#mirador #taxones #villaviciosa #asturias
1) Récupérer l'URL du manifest de la ressource à visualiser
2) Coller l'URL du manifest et cliquer sur Ajouter
3) Vous pouvez ajouter une 2e ressource
PS: je ne sais pas combien de ressources on peut ajouter dans #Mirador
Doing tech support for one of my favourite octogenarians this morning made me realise that all that debate about 'which icon should we use for download on the 'Universal' IIIF Viewer' was solving the wrong problem.
It should have been 'how do we include text labels so that people know what functions are available'. Text doesn't solve everything but it helps
#ux #iiif #universalviewer #mirador
Addendum to 🧵 #ResearchSupportPartnershipUiO On Monday this week, I held my guest lecture for master students of #History again, called "Digital Research Methods for Historians". I started giving this lecture in spring 2018 and have been repeating it every semester since. I usually talk about digital source material (mainly Norwegian) and show some tools, like #Mirador #IIIFViewer #Transkribus #Voyant #CATMA #Recogito #HypothesesBlog and the Norwegian National Library's API and apps.
#researchsupportpartnershipuio #history #mirador #iiifviewer #Transkribus #voyant #catma #recogito #hypothesesblog
284 #highered #jobs seek #OSS experience (https://bit.ly/2QlPas0) including…
Digital Library Software Developer
at #Stanford University
"a mission-driven organization that emphasizes open, collaborative work and community engagement"
Develop, use, implement, and contribute to #OpenSource and #OpenStandards communities like #Mirador, the International Image Interoperability Framework, and #Blacklight (including #ArcLight, #Spotlight, and #GeoBlacklight
#highered #jobs #oss #stanford #opensource #openstandards #mirador #blacklight #arclight #spotlight #geoblacklight
Entre la #playa de #Aguilar y la capilla del Espíritu Santo, en el asturiano concejo de #Muros del #Nalón, hay una senda litoral de unos 4 km que ofrece magníficas vistas de la costa acantilada, como ésta desde el #mirador de Los #Glayos, una mañana de enero, con el mar en calma.
#playa #aguilar #muros #nalon #mirador #glayos
Mirador Fløyen~Bergen🇧🇻 Puedes ver el vídeo completo en el Canal de YouTube: https://youtube.com/watch?v=MAL6rR-IXgE&si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE
#fløyen #floyen #fløyenbergen #bergen #bergennorway #bergensentrum #bergennorway #bergennoruega #noruega #mirador #miradores #noruega🇳🇴
#floyen #floyenbergen #bergen #bergennorway #bergensentrum #bergennoruega #noruega #mirador #miradores
Vorige week een heerlijke vakantie op het prachtige, #Subtropische #Canarischeeiland #Lanzarote gehad!
Wat is dit een ongelofelijk gevarieerd vulkanisch eiland!
Wij hebben genoten 🥰
#mirador #cuevaverde #jameosdelaqua #stratifiedcity #lanzarote #canarischeeiland #subtropische #tbt
Just added @gbif to my simple @iiif discovery example. https://research.ng-london.org.uk/ss-iiif/gbif-example - simple text search and have the results presented in a choice of #openseadragon and #mirador
Mirador de Franceses aan de noordkust van la Palma met uitzicht op la Fajana. Het noordoosten en noorden van La Palma zijn lekker ruig en groen. La Palma wordt naast la Isla Bonita ook wel la Isla Verde genoemd… #lapalma #canarias #canaryislands #spain #spanje #photography #fotografie #landscape #landscapephotography #landschap #coast #uitzicht #mirador #picture #travel #reizen
#reizen #travel #picture #mirador #uitzicht #coast #landschap #landscapephotography #landscape #fotografie #photography #spanje #spain #canaryislands #canarias #lapalma
La Bibliothèque virtuelle des manuscrits médiévaux (BVMM), élaborée par l’Institut de recherche et d’histoire des textes (IRHT-CNRS), permet de consulter la reproduction d’une large sélection de manuscrits, du Moyen Âge au XVIe siècle. https://bvmm.irht.cnrs.fr/consult/consult.php?reproductionId=6308 [Ill. AD13 - 1 H 629] #Archives #IIIF #Mirador @archivistodon @iiif
Blick über den Naturpark. Was mir sehr gefallen hat... Im Reservat ist Funkloch. Kein Internet, kein Telefon. Geht nichts im Campo. Eine Erholung ohne Telefon und Rechner. 😀
#paraguay #unterwegs #natur #ybycui #wandern #naturreservat #mirador
#mirador #naturreservat #wandern #ybycui #natur #unterwegs #paraguay
RT @jbaiter_@twitter.com
Release 0.1.0 of the #Mirador 3 Text Overlay plugin is out! Play with the demo at https://mirador-textoverlay.netlify.com (try selecting some text) and check out the documentation and source code (MIT-licensed) at https://github.com/dbmdz/mirador-textoverlay #IIIF #OCR #Mirador3
Und wie #opensource an der @UniLeipzig@twitter.com bzw. an der @ubleipzig@twitter.com ganz praktisch aussieht, wird hier erklärt:
Der Dank geht an @Nextclouders@twitter.com @bigbluebutton@twitter.com @RocketChat@twitter.com @FOLIO_LSP@twitter.com @VuFindorg@twitter.com @CollaboraOffice@twitter.com @jitsinews@twitter.com @gitlab@twitter.com @kitodo_org@twitter.com #mirador @iiif_io@twitter.com
A lire ou à relire.
Il existe une question que tout bon chroniqueur s’est déjà posée : « Mais merde, comment dois-je attaquer cet album ? »...
#Articles #BLOG #Chroniques #chronique #elektrohasch #metal #mirador #psychedelisme #review #rock #stoner #sungrazer #webradio
#articles #blog #chroniques #chronique #elektrohasch #metal #mirador #psychedelisme #review #rock #stoner #sungrazer #webradio
Passé la fin de la journée à découvrir #Mirador, visualiseur de documents numérisés présent sur le portail #Biblissima.
J'ai chargé 3 versions d'un célèbre manuscrit carolingien, le "De laudibus Sanctae Crucis" de Raban Maur : un poème figuré dont les vers, disposés au carré sur la page, composent des calligrammes qui sont autant de variations sur le motif de la croix.
Si ça vous dit d'aller voir, c'est par là :