Gizmodo: Even Peter Jackson Got Spooked by That Terrifying Talk to Me Hand #thelordoftheringsthetwotowers #entertainmentculture #thereturnoftheking #thelordoftherings #michaelphilippou #thefrighteners #peterjackson #splatterfilm #mirandaotto #talktome #films #eowyn #oscar #danny
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#TalkToMe: A well-made and highly confronting #horror #film that, among other things, makes for an interesting metaphor for what it feels like to watch fucked-up movies on a regular basis.
Full review at Mahan's Media: #movies #filmreview #moviereview #cinema #cinemastodon #supernatural #possession #australia #rackaracka #philippou #sophiewilde #mirandaotto #alexandrajensen #joebird #zoeterakes #badtrip
#talktome #horror #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #cinema #cinemastodon #supernatural #possession #australia #rackaracka #philippou #sophiewilde #mirandaotto #alexandrajensen #joebird #zoeterakes #badtrip
THE CLEARING (2023) Teaser Trailer: Teresa Palmer Delves Back into a Religious Cult to Protect Her Family [Hulu]
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THE PORTABLE DOOR (2023) Movie Trailer: Christoph Waltz & Sam Neill work for a Sinister Organization
#FilmBook #MovieTrailer #ChristophWaltz #ChristopherSommers #DamonHerriman #JeffreyWalker #JessicaDeGouw #MadmanFilms #MirandaOtto #MovieTrailer #PatrickGibson #RachelHouse #SamNeill #SkyCinema #SophieWilde #ThePortableDoor
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