Soror_Peregrina · @Soror_Peregrina
102 followers · 206 posts · Server

😭 😭 😭 I live across from the horrible Tesla Building: a mirrored monstrosity that is a danger to our city birds. Just glaring mirror, with no effort to make it safe for our avian neighbors.

I write this because today, I saw a pigeon smack into it and fall to the ground. Perhaps fortunately, it was killed instantly and didn't suffer. Not so fortunately, I heard some comments of "Good riddance. They're such vermin." 😠

No. Pigeons are beautiful, gentle birds, and they are not vermin. We need to develop a different kind of relationship with the natural world, especially in our cities.

And Tesla needs to stop erecting mirrored buildings!

I wrapped the pigeon in a towel and took it away to be buried in a friend's back yard.

#birds #citybirds #pigeons #mirroredbuildingsareadangertobirds

Last updated 2 years ago