Something new on stream, but familiar to me. Playing #MirrorsEdgeCatalyst.
1年寝かした末に先週クリアしたMirror's Edge Catalyst、デザイン観とサントラは前作から変わらず見事。
ストーリーは……惜しい! 続編まだですか!
Finally completed the main story of Mirror's Edge Catalyst last weekend.
Really love the graphics, simple & cool design, and the soundtrack, as much as the previous one.
The story was... ohhh I really need another sequel pleeeese
The view was so lovely, but... it was very hard for me to climb up sooooo high!!! I almost died from a heart attack lol
#mirrorsedgecatalyst #fedibird #gaming #videogames
Also, entweder hat in den 6½ Jahren seit Release kaum jemand #MirrorsEdgeCatalyst gespielt, oder ich habe die letzte Zeit da etwas mehr Zeit verbracht, als ich sollte 😁
Przywódca antykapitalistycznej rebelii wychwala bezstronność.
Ech... to będzie długi wideoesej.
#MirrorsEdge #mirrorsedgecatalyst
#FFXIV ( #FinalFantasy )
#Nexuiz (RIP)
#wipEoutPure / #wipEoutPulse [An extra one since Nexuiz is dead]
#ffxiv #finalfantasy #osu #mirrorsedgecatalyst #nexuiz #rocketleague #wipeoutpure #wipeoutpulse